Home AR-15 Bravo Company BCM AR-15 Build Review ($3,000 Budget)

Bravo Company BCM AR-15 Build Review ($3,000 Budget)


Bravo Company BCM AR-15 Build Review: In this video, @JamesReeves asks: “What is the ultimate urban rifle?” with a specific budget of $3,000. He reviews the Bravo Company (BCM) rifle that he brought to Thunder Ranch. This review is a continuation of TFB’s Ultimate Urban Rifle series, which began five years ago at Thunder Ranch, where we explored what makes a rifle ideal for urban environments. We’ll cover everything from barrel length, bolt carrier groups, and optics, to suppressors and slings, discussing why a 16″ AR is a great all-around choice for urban defense. I’ll also break down my build, which totaled around $4,776, and show you how to get similar performance for as low as $2,700 without (much) compromising on quality.
If you’re wondering whether you should go for an LPVO, a red dot, or even which suppressor to choose, we’ve got you covered. Don’t forget to let us know what you’d like to see in the next build in the comments below!

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  1. I have absolutely no idea what in hell you need an "urban rifle" for!! Are you some kind of special ops guy, or living in Haiti, or providing security for some traveling billionaire?
    Or, are you just making enough money that you can mess around with whatever strikes your fancy at the moment?

  2. You could save some money not running that crazy overpriced POS SIG optic. What an absolute piece of garbage from a trash company. That part piggyback part offset red dot mount is fooked too.

  3. a fabulous neat great very interesting sexy delicious video and firearm dear Mr.James.did I tell you that my late uncle was the ceo of the entire zastava company until the two thousand I think.say hi to Mr.Smith please.because I listened to you I had some collision with the law.the fine was so severe so that I was unable to book myself for the thunder ranch this summer.have a good one dear Mr.James.

  4. I did something similar years ago. BCM lower for $400. I got the BCM MCMR in a 14.5 for $900. Instead of the LPVO i saved some $ and got an EXPS2 with a G45 for $1200. I paid $1100 for an RC2. I got a light and sling for $400. Right around $4000 all said and done.

  5. Someone who buys a $600 ar15 and uses $2400 training is much more effective than someone with a $3000 rifle with little training. Don’t concentrate on hardware, it won’t make you better no matter what these YouTube “experts” tell you.

  6. The rifle idea undeniable for price to value. Optic wise for this purpose being 500uds and in a simple cross hair reticle such as Vortex PST Gen2 and aero ultralight weight mount would also do the job. Great eye relief and red dot bright so offset irons could be used versus separate red dot. Much cheaper and saves weight.

  7. My perfect urban rifle is a 13.9” brn-180, p&w solgw nox, ab a-10 5.56 silencer, keymo hub adapter, crimson trace red dot ( place holder till is decide which optic setup I want), b5 p23 grip, strike industries dual folded with check riser, radian ambi safety, guiselle maritime bolt catch, pof 3.5lb single stage trigger (best single stage trigger ever, if you don’t agree you’re wrong), s.i. Picatiny adapter for buffer tube, onward research esd sling, and I’m right at 1500 not including tax stamp (theft). Still need to decide on optic and weapon light. Check out the Brn-180, it’s a modern clone of the ar-180, stoners last gun design, and copied by almost every short stroke piston rifle with internal recoil system. Standing and having bad tremors I can get 2 moa at 75 yards.

  8. Maybe this is more of a hop video, but I'd like to see a video on the most barebones budget gun that could do close to what you require of your ultimate Urban rifles. So first and foremost it needs to be able to get through a thousand rounds of an urban rifle type class with no failures. Second being able to stretch out to those multi hundred-yard shots would be good, which begs the question of how well did you go in terms of budget optics.

  9. My rifle is king. 12" 6.5 Grendel shooting hand load 123gr eldm. $1200 all in. 1-8 lpvo, cloud defensive rein 3.0, suppressor if needed, and canted holosun 508t. Light, short, great at close range, holds supersonic out to 850 yards and still has 350ft/lb of energy. 24rnd mags is the only real downside, but thats 100% worth it. Sacrifice 20% less rounds for exponentially better performance than a 556

  10. I have a 12.5 aero. How about a BCM to 6ARC or barrel comparison with criterion, ballistic advantage, rosco, FN, CMMG, wilson, and Daniel Defense? Just to name a few barrel options. Ala Carte builds.

  11. Most decent semi-auto rifles or even SBRs you can accessorize would be fine as a specifically urban, modern fighting rifle. It doesn't need to be an AR, especially an AR in 5.56mm. I personally would choose a more versatile and capable caliber than 5.56 and it's annoying dependence on velocity.

  12. Id actually really like to see a bcm 11.5 next. I know you just reviewed a BCM but bcm was on the 11.5 train way before most companies and i have heard a lot of good things about their 11.5 uppers.

    I have 3 bcm's and they've all been really solid rifles. I have a 20", 16", and 14.5". I'm a big fan of BCM.

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