Home EOTech Guns of SOCOM: the Mk 18 (ft. Daniel Defense, EOTech, and Surefire)

Guns of SOCOM: the Mk 18 (ft. Daniel Defense, EOTech, and Surefire)


Guns of SOCOM, Ep. 1: In this Fourth of July TFBTV special, James introduces viewers to a new TFBTV mini-series, the Guns of SOCOM, which will discuss various firearms that have some relationship to Special Operations Command in the United States.

This episode features the Daniel Defense Mk18, which is the closest COTS (“commercial off the shelf”) Mk18 clone. It features a 10.5 in. barrel and the DD RIS II, which is the same handguard/quad rail that Daniel Defense supplies to SOCOM. And while the DD is almost identical to the “real deal” contract Mk18, there are actually a few features that exceed military specifications like cerakoting and cold hammer forged barrels.

Surefire chipped in by sending in two essential pieces of special operations gear: The SOCOM .223 suppressor and quick attach muzzle device, and the Scout light. Both are discussed in this video.

Additionally, EOTech sent in a holographic weapon sight identical to those issued to special operations forces for use in this episode.

This is just the first episode of TFBTV Guns of SOCOM – be sure to check the Guns of SOCOM playlist in a few weeks for new episodes!

Daniel Defense Mk18 with SureFire SOCOM2 suppressor and EOTech XPS holographic optic.

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  1. Say what you want about mp5 no one can deny it’s one of the best old sub machine guns out there still going strong from the 60s and onwards love the fact there is hardly any recoil on the things aswell is happily get one over a handgun but for concealed carry I’d get a glock or desert eagle because of the stopping power

  2. Watching from Sweden! Grew up with guns, love guns, heck I'm from the town of Bofors, Karlskoga.! You could hear those 155s in the next town over. I know that as I lived in Degerfors too.

    We celebrate new artillery with cake and wish you all happy [Contextual Holiday Here]!

  3. Loving it from Cape Town, South Africa. Hope you guys had a good 4th of July, hope to join you in a celebration after I get my degree, but for now I will be on this side of the world just watching TFB, you guys help us over in south africa by supplying info on things we dont get too much exposure to because it takes so long to obtain a license to get each gun you have.

  4. Great vid. It kills me that DD doesn't go with .223 Wylde barrels, or else they'd be an easy choice, same with POFs. Also why don't they do the salt nitrided barrels?

    A couple other notes: the .223/5.56 round is actually better for indoor use because the bullet will likely fragment when hitting drywall, with less chance of over penetrating because of the high velocity (ironically), whereas the 9mm round from the MP5 tended to to go through the wall and/or bounce around due to the higher mass but lower velocity of the round.

  5. I love the MK18 but the stock and pistol grip are so damn ugly to me I always change them out as soon as I get one. B5 Sydtems SOPMOD stock and Blackhawk ergo grip for me! Great fun though.

  6. M from India
    And wish you a belated Happy Independence day to my Brothers and Sisters of America.
    And I love TFB TV. Not just the shooting but I have learnt a lot of things.. the Gun culture in India is very very small. Stuck only with Ishapore bolt action rifle The INSAS and the AK 103.
    The recent addition is MSMC .. hope u check that out..

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