Tag: Capacity
NRA-ILA | Washington: Magazine Ban Legislation Amended to 10 Round Capacity...
Today, the Washington Senate amended an already extreme magazine ban bill to limit magazine capacity...
QUAD STACK AR-15 with 53 Round Capacity: Desert Tech Quattro 15...
In this episode of TFBTV, James Reeves is at the Desert Tech booth to see the new Quattro-15. The Quattro-15 lower receiver accepts the...
Range Report: Sig Sauer M400 AR-15 Pistol
In this Range Report I review an older version of the Sig M400 AR_15 pistol. These are budget or entry level AR's offered by...
NRA-ILA | Ninth Circuit Salvages CA Magazine Ban
Earlier this week, the Ninth Circuit upheld California’s ban against “large capacity magazines.” This decision reverses...
The FourSix is here!
After years of only being available in a platform made of unatainium, the 4.6x30 cartridge finds a new home in the all New CMMG...
My Colt AR-15 Collection (January 2021)
This is my first collection video of 2021. It is on my Colt AR-15 collection which includes my clones, SBRs and collectible variants.
Rifles shown...
Product Review: CMMG .22LR AR-15 Bravo Conversion Kit
In this product review I take a look at the CMMG .22LR AR-15 Bravo Conversion Kit. This is an affordable and popular conversion kit...
CMMG Banshee PCC Review | 5.7 and 9mm Sig and Glock...
Daniel spends a little time shooting the CMMG Banshee PCC in 5.7 as well as the Glock and Sig magazine fed variants and explains...
Daniel Defense 32 Round AR Magazine
We get a look at the new Daniel Defense 32 round magazine for the AR-15 platform rifle.
The Best AR-15 Magazines | Garand Thumb
We have a lot of great options in AR-15 magazines today, but brand does Flannel Daddy use? The dude, reviews a lot of guns...