Home AR-15 AK vs AR: Which is Better?

AK vs AR: Which is Better?


AK or AR? A considerable debate in the firearm world. A debate where Kern knows exactly where he stands. Find out why!
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  1. I personally do not like the 223/556 cartridge so to compensate I bought a Ruger SFAR 20 inch in 308 for the AR style of rifle and purchased a Riley defense classic rak-47 i much prefer 30 caliber rounds but to each their own good luck to everybody keep practicing with your firearms and always practice safe range time etiquette

  2. I'm personally an AR fan. Before any AK guys come chompin at my nuts, I will say that I respect the AK platform for its simplicity. Both are time tested and proven designs, but IN MY EXPERIENCE I prefer the AR because it's a lot easier to modify, more accurate, and ever so slightly lighter.

  3. I was trading USDT with a friend but we fell out because of something. She gave me an OKX wallet code 【pride】-【pole】-【obtain】-【together】-【second】-【when】-【future】-【mask】-【review】-【nature】-【potato】-【bulb】 and asked me to withdraw the remaining USDT. What is this? How do I do this? Please tell me

  4. I can keyhole with my Zastava M70 at 100yds.
    The debate, as you said, is preference.
    If my team has AR's, I'll either have an AR, or an AK that shoot's 5.56.
    Like musashi said, don't get married to any one weapon.

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