Home CMMG Upgrade Your Charging Handle

Upgrade Your Charging Handle


Jarod has some recommendations for your new AR15! Swap out that OEM handle for a charging handle that will keep the gas from getting into your eyes and will let you have a smooth and satisfying slide!
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  1. Bad advice

    One: that gun needs lube

    Two: a charging handle should genuinely be a last upgrade as you’ll never really use it besides manual locking the bolt back or clearing malfunctions. Focus on optics,lights,slings,ammo and training.

  2. Fyou. You don't need to upgrade your charging handle. This is akin to selling snacks at the cash register. You really don't need them from a scientific benefit, but you love gear and bragging about how much you spend. This and the overuse of the word 'ambi' is the downfall of our community.

    I know you are looking for any way possible to increase your sales, but this is the very last thing you should ever buy behind a Billion rounds of ammunition.

  3. people in USA are completely out of their gourd…you buy 500 dollar weapon which needs another 500 dollar worth of "upgrades"…i love my good old Balkan weapon maket experience…you buy a fully functional Russia made quality gun for 200 dollars, for another 200 dollars buttload of ammunition and you are ready to go right that exact moment you load it and charge it. No other shit need. Why are people so blind ? Corporate fucked with you and people even adopted being fucked with and now demanding it.

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