Home AR-15 AR Basics 101

AR Basics 101


We’ve walked through an AK and a Glock! It’s time for you all to learn about the AR-15!

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  1. Honestly what is the purpose of an AR? Everything about it screams M-16 without the auto select,which I’ve heard with a bumpstock it can fire auto.
    For home defense I get it but it’s not a hunting rifle,there’s better choices for that,I just don’t get the love some people have for it?
    I am a veteran and fired the M-16 once or a thousand times and it’s accurate and fires well but if you don’t clean it and I mean every time your done shooting it will jam.In the service my M-16 was the cleanest in the armory!

  2. Hi, I just got my first AR-15 and had ca. 200 rounds through it, now there are a lot of brass marks to see on the brass deflector (I like them to be honest since I think they give the rifle more character), but just out of curiosity, do all AR-15s have brass marks on them? 😅

  3. Need one of these for muzzle devices on ar15’s I want to get a suppressor for an ar but I don’t understand the difference in a A2 flash hider and so forth can’t I just mount my suppressor to my rifle like on a pistol with a threaded barrel?

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