Home AR-15 This Gun Part = BACKGROUND CHECK



Triggers, stocks, grips, scopes, rails, handguards, uppers can all be sent directly to your home, but not this…
#upper #lower #serialnumber #gunbros #backgroundcheck #aft #homedelivery #frontdoor #shipping #gunshop #guninfo #ar15 #rifles

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  1. Can you explain why my background checks never come back? I neither pass nor fail its just nothing, and they give the seller the discretion to give it to me or not. What do I have to do to fix this?

  2. As a 19 year old wanting to learn how to build ARs, it makes it extremely difficult when I can’t buy the finishing part for it
    They could have serialized the uppers, and easily differentiated between pistol and rifle uppers, but no, we can’t make it easy like that.
    F the ATF

  3. I feel like this is slightly disingenuous. The main reason is because AR platforms have an upper and a lower, and the trigger mech matters a lot with classification. Thats what makes it bang bang or bangbangbang.

    Im not defending the ATF at all, they're full of dogshit, and most of what they do makes no sense.

    The gun community needs to stop taking the cheap shots at low hanging fruit and tackle the real issues.

  4. Even if it sounds goofy, id prefer the lower being the serialized part, instead of the upper. Makes swapping out ur ar into other calibers or styles much easier. Itd suck to need a 4473 for any new upper i want to impulse buy

  5. On Fox News Trey Gowdy says the 4473 is not a big deal, and people who make mistakes are not likely to be arrested or prosecuted. The ATF or DOJ really have better things to do. The Hunter Biden case is not serious and a big waste of.

  6. Unfortunately something needs to be serialized… With your logic you could say the same with a bare upper and complete lower. At the end of the day at least one thing has to be serialized so it could have gone either way.

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