Triggers, stocks, grips, scopes, rails, handguards, uppers can all be sent directly to your home, but not this…
#upper #lower #serialnumber #gunbros #backgroundcheck #aft #homedelivery #frontdoor #shipping #gunshop #guninfo #ar15 #rifles
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Probably a dumb question but what is a CCL
Can you explain why my background checks never come back? I neither pass nor fail its just nothing, and they give the seller the discretion to give it to me or not. What do I have to do to fix this?
Don’t get mad at the laws. Get mad at the people who messed it up for everyone else. Those laws would exist if there weren’t just complete idiots roaming around.
The lower
3d printer go brrrrrr
There part with the serial #.
Actually in NY you need to have a background check on the upper and lower receiver along with a background check for ammunition
what brand is that lower?
Guns are for people who live in fear I haven't met a single person to prove me wrong yet.
The lower receiver with the serial number duh.
The lower
Technically, under the law, no part of an ar 15 is a firearm until it is fully assembled
As a 19 year old wanting to learn how to build ARs, it makes it extremely difficult when I can’t buy the finishing part for it
They could have serialized the uppers, and easily differentiated between pistol and rifle uppers, but no, we can’t make it easy like that.
F the ATF
I feel like this is slightly disingenuous. The main reason is because AR platforms have an upper and a lower, and the trigger mech matters a lot with classification. Thats what makes it bang bang or bangbangbang.
Im not defending the ATF at all, they're full of dogshit, and most of what they do makes no sense.
The gun community needs to stop taking the cheap shots at low hanging fruit and tackle the real issues.
I heard the Supreme Court passed a law where non violent felons can now own guns. Do you know anything about this? Should I just go to a gun store & try?
ATF sucks
And it’s a handgun. So you have to be 21 to get the part you need to build a rifle that you can own 18+. Makes sense.
Wait, where in Kansas are you at? I may come and buy a firearm from y'all in the future after I save up some money.
Not sure how the ATF can even find people to work for them with how bad there reputation is
Even if it sounds goofy, id prefer the lower being the serialized part, instead of the upper. Makes swapping out ur ar into other calibers or styles much easier. Itd suck to need a 4473 for any new upper i want to impulse buy
I can't believe Kansas even cares what the ATF says Kansas is way more liberal than I thought
So does that mean i can buy this as a foreigner at any ffl if i wanted to and bring it on a plane home?
Hopefully here soon none of it because the government is going to finally make buybacks great again and ban the shit out of them so we can save our future from the destruction being caused by Republicans
You know the part that is the easiest to make from scratch.
One more good reason to defund the ATF
Where are you in kansas
Or the trigger group on a p320…. shaking my head
I'm glad you specified that it's the ATF determination, as the AR-15 lower doesn't meet the definition of a "receiver" under federal law.
Better than them serializing ever part and bit ngl
BATFE gets their way, it'll be the lower, the upper, the barrel, and the trigger or trigger pack.
On Fox News Trey Gowdy says the 4473 is not a big deal, and people who make mistakes are not likely to be arrested or prosecuted. The ATF or DOJ really have better things to do. The Hunter Biden case is not serious and a big waste of.
Don’t give the atf any more dumb ideas, they’ve already classified 50 bmg conversion uppers as firearms that need a background check and classified a stock as a machine gun.
They were talking about serializing upper recievers and considering them a firearm awhile back.
ATF: The bureau of assholes, tyranny and f*ckery
What's that lower
Yo where do I get a 16 inch rifle length upper? That's hawtttt

Unfortunately something needs to be serialized… With your logic you could say the same with a bare upper and complete lower. At the end of the day at least one thing has to be serialized so it could have gone either way.
Wow I've been following yall for a few months now and I never knew yall were located in Hutchinson Ks.
The parts that make it go pew pew , not the actual barrel that can have the ballistics of the bullet checked, makes sense to me