Home AR-15 We Fix the U.S. Navy's AR-15

We Fix the U.S. Navy's AR-15


The U.S. Navy released this photo, and everyone is talking about it! We thought we’d join the conversation!
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  1. The chicken wing makes sense. It’s the recommended pose for shooting a riffle without a pistol grip. He’s clearly an old timer and probably learned to shoot on an m14 or something like it. The arm out pocket in the shoulder is how you’re supposed to aim a rifle like that.

  2. How was this photo even aloud to be published. How many uneducated morons did this have to go through before it was published. So many questions it’s insane

  3. well i have to say it i like to do chicken wing the gun dosnt have a pistol grip like old shotguns or hunting rifles tose grips that are made into the stock thats how they teached how to handle a gun until the coldwar and thats how i first learned to handle my hunting rifle , the front grip i also like it to be closer so i can just keep it steady in my arms by pulling up and backwards instead of having to hold it on the tip and have it sway all arround

  4. Doesn’t shoot a lot? He doesn’t shoot at all. He cleans the deck and when they asked who wanted to take a photo holding a rifle he volunteered because he’d never held one before

  5. Plot twist, dude is actually a world record holder in every possible shooting sport or competition and thought the target would be too easy to hit and would be boring, so he gave himself every disadvantages he could while still having his picture taken.

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