Home AR-15 This Gun's a 10. This Gun's a 1.

This Gun's a 10. This Gun's a 1.


Have You Ever Simped After a Gun? –

Ten being the best and one being the worst, Jarod tells the world what his 1-tier, 5-tier, and 10-tier guns are in our gun shop! Man, does he dislike SAS sights! Yeesh!
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  1. Lmao I bought a P938 SAS earlier this year and it's a solid gun with one flaw: the bullseye sight doesn't work in low-light situations. Other than that it's very accurate, smooth, and comfortable to carry. But I sold it and just kept carrying my P365.

  2. I havent shot many handguns brands but i do love how the Springfield 1911 feels in my hands when shooting. Doesnt feel tiny or too big, just right. I work in trades so comfort for me goes a long way. Keep up the great content.

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