In this episode, we check out a pair of AR15 Rifles for some quick range time. These 223/5.56 AR platforms are “consumer” friendly, inexpensive and perfect for home defense or as truck guns.
** Just an FYI, In the beginning of this vid, we post a “disclaimer” about info but this is in error as well. The firearms the disclaimer is meant for were ones in another recently shot video. Sorry for the confusion. It’s totally me, Baby, not you. I promise.
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it only does 2 rounds. just 556 is as tight as 223 in the chamber
You guys need to learn a lot more about firearms before you make any more horrible videos. I thought it was a parody.
.223 Wylde refers to the chamber. I have never heard of a round with that designation. Never have seen a bipod mounted to the barrel either.
Good video
Look at the troughs of displaced dirt under each gong at around the 10:45 mark and on. All that energy from the rounds smacking the gongs got blasted downward and cut out the dirt under the guns. Cool!