Home AR-15 The Most Powerful AR15, Falkor Petra

The Most Powerful AR15, Falkor Petra


This gun…… It just makes me so happy. 🙂 🙂 🙂

Drewski’s channel


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  1. Lock picking lawyer would rake those master locks and be gone before anyone would turn their head. You need to do a series with him for the mansion…

  2. That is one of my dream guns but it is as of April 2021 advertised as $7500. Guess it will remain a dream gun, my other dream gun the 300 blackout supressed tavar x95 id flat dark earth is more in my price range but still high. Man i want this falkor Petra, i love 300 winmag

  3. I would have made the lid go into the box. A small lid for a lock only in a concealed corner. That lock will make you able to move the seat up. Then a concealed lid on the box itself, with a lock that can only be opened by moving a strong magnet to spell my name. I'll say ,"sorry, I don't think the seat does lift up officer". Then when they lift it, it will come off, making them think they broke it, but they don't know that it was designed to do that.

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