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Tag: M16

CMMG Full Auto Trip & Anti Bounce Demo

This Video shows the .22 Full Auto Trip and Anti Bounce in action. Also note the gas deflector. Many people are curious...

AR-15 – Detailed Step By Step Assembly / Build Instructions (HD)

The AR-15 is the most common rifle in the U.S.A. It is a semi-automatic rifle modeled after the military's automatic M16. The rifle is...

EOTech XPS2 Holographic Red Dot Optic Review

Product review of the amazing Eotech XPS2 holographic red dot optic. Length/Width/Height: 3.5"x 2"x 2.4" (88.9x50.86x60.96) Single transverse 123 battery to reduce sight length Shortened base only...

Bushmaster AR-15: First Impressions

First impressions of the Bushmaster XM15-e2s AR-15. This is a 16 inch flat top carbine with an M4 style barrel. You can "Like" GunsKnivesSurvival Fan...

CMMG Lower Parts Kit – Unboxing and Review – LPK

CMMG Lower Parts Kit for the AR15. Unboxing and review. CMMG's lower parts video here;

AR-15 – Midwest Ind. AR-15 Pistol Buffer Tube

I decided to go over some information on building an AR-15 pistol while also showing the installation of the Midwest Ind. Pistol Buffer Tube...

Build Your AR-15 Upper Receiver!

Everyone asks where I find AR-15 stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this video I show you...

CMMG RKM KeyMod AR-15 Hand Guard Review (HD)

Here's a review of the CMMG RKM KeyMod free float hand guards. I use the RKM14 in the AR-15 platform but they're available...

Unboxing – Aero Precision M4E1 (5.56) 18″ AR15

In this video, I unbox my new rifle I just picked up. This is my Aero Precision M4E1 chambered in 5.56 with an 18"...

CMMG 7″ M16 Piston Machine Gun Beta Mag Test

We have conducting tests over the last couple months of our military/LE version