Tag: convert
Convert Your DISSENT 5.56 to .22LR
Our .22LR conversion for AR15s has been one of our more popular items for many years! With this adapter, you can now use your...
CMMG AR-15 CONVERSION KIT – How to Install and Convert a...
The CMMG .22LR conversion kit allows the use of inexpensive .22LR caliber rim-fire Ammo in your AR-15. You can install this in 60 seconds,...
Simple Mod to Convert AR-15 to Full Auto
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CONVERT any AR to Accept Glock Mags
How to Convert any AR to Accept Glock Mags...Let's hope it works.
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Unboxing and Install CMMG 22LR AR Conversion Kit
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CONVERT your AR-15 to 22LR in Seconds (CMMG Drop-In Conversion Kit)
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Want to shoot your AR-15 without the need for 223 Ammunition, and with less recoil? Let's check...
Convert your AR-15 from 5.56 to 7.62 in one minute!
Finally. A true "multi-caliber" rifle is here. Sure others have hit the market with the label of multi-caliber, but Windham Weaponry's new...
9mm from your AR15 – CMMG 9 ARC Magazines
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CMMG 9 ARC Magazines — Shoot 9mm from your AR15
Learn how CMMG’s 9 ARC Magazine offerings make it possible to shoot 9mm ammunition from your AR15 lower receiver when paired with a CMMG...