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Tag: ar-15 build youtube

Making an AR15 from soda cans, complete build- Part 2: THREADING!...

Part 2 of building my soda can AR 15 lower. In this video I go through the most challenging machining process of the build,...

What To Know Before You Buy or Build An AR-15 Rifle

This video is what to look for when buying an AR15, what's important and what you do not need. Do's and Don'ts for gun...

AR15 Pistol Build, step by step

AR-15 pistol build using a Shockwave buffer tube/brace, Seekins lower and PSA 10.5 upper receiver. This is a hour long video covering tools...

AR-15 – Complete An 80% Lower! 80% Arms AR-15 Easy Jig

Everyone asks where I find AR-15 stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are: I share my experience with using...

Build Your Own AR15

A time lapse video of an AR15 rifle build using Magpul Armorer’s Wrench: American-Made, solid steel construction with grip-enhancing phosphate finish engages both Mil-Spec and pin-style...

AR15!! Mother Of All AR’s Build Development Chat

We all want the best we can get, I've built just about every type of AR15 out there. Now I am going to...

AR15 Trigger Installation Guide Full HD (New Tactical Advantage intro)

(New HD camera and first edit with power director 11).Video showing the step by step trigger replacement on my New Frontier polymer lower. The...

Building My Ultimate AR-15 | Accuracy Testing

Building My Ultimate AR-15 | Accuracy Testing So after building my "Ultimate AR-15" I finally find out if I have an accurate rifle. Did all...

Making an AR15 from soda cans, MAIN VIDEO re-post with bonus...

A YouTube first! I melt aluminum cans, cast it in a mold, and then machine into an AR-15 lower receiver. ***There is not enough...

HOW-TO CHOOSE // The Best Bolt Carrier Group for Your AR-15...

Have you ever wondered if you've got the Best Bolt Carrier Group for the money? Today let's talk about HOW-TO CHOOSE the Best...