Home AR-15 Building My Ultimate AR-15 | Accuracy Testing

Building My Ultimate AR-15 | Accuracy Testing


Building My Ultimate AR-15 | Accuracy Testing
So after building my “Ultimate AR-15” I finally find out if I have an accurate rifle. Did all those individual pieces come together to create a precision tool? Let’s find out! Be sure to watch until the end for bloopers! Let me know what you think! Comment and “Like”!

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  1. I know this is a two year old video but the x in xm193 doesn't mean reject. What it means is that is manufactured for the civilian market. As a result, the bullets and the primers are not sealed. The xm193 meets all the rest of the specs. You have to remember that the .mil stopped using M193 way back in the 80's when they switched to M855. Why would they still be manufacturing "rejects" in 2015

  2. Not very bad groups for 55 gr with a 1-7 twist. However you are way off the Bulls Eye that is part of any accuracy test. If you are going for accuracy you need to use a 20 to 24 inch bull barrel with a 1-8 twist. Also you need consistent rounds if you want sub MOA accuracy. I would recommend a 68gr BTHP I also recommend Black Hills ammo if you are not set up to reload. Use a 62 gr V-Max as well. It is a little cheaper than the Black Hills stuff. I shot three groups of three and you could cover them with a dime. After I made my final Scope adjustments I put 15 rounds through the Bulls Eye. I was able to cover the final group of 15 with a 50 cent piece or just over a quarter.. You have built a fine rifle and I feel that your accuracy will improve if you do take up reloading. I use 25.0 gr and hold the drop at +/- .01 gr. If I am making special rounds I will hold the drop to 25.0 gr +/- 0.0 Here is a video of a similar build to my own. I was certainly surprised with my results.

  3. Hi, you mentioned that not all ammo would shoot well in any gun that you have to test several ammo to find what your gun likes, actually I have something to make the AR plattform shoot between 1/4 to 1/2 MOA consistently with all kinds of ammo. If you want to know how, send me an email and i send you my phone number. My email carlos730118@gmail.com

  4. now, be kind, I'm just trying to learn. what's the wrap on the scope? is it camouflage, shock absorbing, or just a visual effect? if it's for shock absorbing, does it help keep the scope dialed in? thanks for any input. Peace

  5. The X doesn't mean rejected ammo. The X only means that is ammo doesn't have the projectile sealer or the primer sealer. Its brand new ammo meant for the civilian market. When the Military stopped using the 55 grain M193 round and started using the 62 grain M855 round, ATK Federal simply stopped applying sealer and sold the 55 grain round the civilian market.

  6. I will have to agree the american eagle varmit is what ive found to work best other than going to a custom match bullet. I also like the hornady vmax. Got my best groups from the nosler 75 grain

  7. Hollow point boat tail, is the design of the round, is made for long range shooting. the round is designed to be more aerodynamic, which creates more accuracy. also u should check the Ballistic coefficient of the round.

  8. I love how just from watching the vid that all these people start to tell u what u are doing wrong. Especially the one talking bout you're breathing and yeh it helps but I've shot half inch groups from a chair off the railing of my deck. Just keep shootin and enjoy what u r doing .

  9. if everyone age 16 and up was trained and owned AR's, the world would be so peaceful. Criminal comes up trying to rob you, AR. Invading militia threatening you, have everyone you know show up with their ar's…

  10. american eagle ammo you pulled a shot there. Zq1 work on breathing, and a hint stop holding your breath when you're shooting inhale exhale inhale and squeeze while exhaling and it should be sent when you hit the bottom. their are other ways but that's a basic not trying to poke at you just build your skill. shooting mid breath and what not is for rapid firing yada yada but over all awesome groups

  11. that's mighty fine!! I want to throw the hog hunter scope on mine and test the 1/8 twist and shoot off sand bags ..I just shoot with the front of the rifle on a rest or bipod but loose on the shoulder I bet I can tighten up the groups if I sand bag the rear…great video brother..

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