Here I rank AR manufactures, best overall, best value for money and ones I would pass on. Aero, Anderson, Barret, Colt, Colbalt, Daniel Defense, Geissele, LWRC, Knights Armament, Radian, Smith & Wesson, just to name a few.
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Here I rank AR manufactures, best overall, best value for money and ones I would pass on. Aero, Anderson, Barret, Colt, Colbalt, Daniel Defense, Geissele, LWRC, Knights Armament, Radian, Smith & Wesson, just to name a few.
My Subreddit:
Keep the manufacturer recommendations coming, there are already a dozen I failed to cover in this video. So how about a Part II in a few months? Also like my content SUBSCRIBE!
I still prefer my M 14.
I agree 100% that FN is overpriced but their products are typically of high quality, especially their barrels.
I have two ARs with one that I built. Both are "entry level" as I really am not a rifle guy, yet. Can someone explain to me what the major differences are between manufacturers for mil-spec lowers? It seems to me that the upper components are the most important.
Colt had the Colt 6960. It’s the only midlength they’ve made. I used one for years as a patrol rifle and I felt it was slept on. The only review I really saw was Small Arms Solutions
Ha! He almost broke character with the S&W
Thank you for calling out Aero Precision. As a long-time Aero customer, whatever is going on there has become irreversible. I currently have an open chargeback with them. It's the first time I've ever, ever charged back a transaction from anyone, ever. They are taking orders for items they cannot or will not ship. When you call them, their customer service agent openly blames you and hides behind statements contradictory to even their own policies posted on their own website! Never again. At this point, my experience was so bad, I want them to go under.
I have built 3 lowers this year so far. 2 were Aeros and they are by far superior to the lowers they replaced. One was a Stag SPCTRM and the other a Geissele Super Duty. Both feel and handle much more solid now. No give. Zero. Didnt even use the tension screws.
In the next episode, please review Caracal and Q.
Barrett hasn’t produced ar platform rifles I. 3-4 years.
Can’t wait until the SOTAR crowd sees this. Very loose goosey standards here and very little experience with these rifles
Kimber and bushmaster were huge in the 2000s
Where is Q llc sugar weasel 16inch?
Bushmaster is out in Reno, NV. Check them out when you can. Windham Weaponry, they are good and still producing.
Where would you place something like HK's MR556 rifles?
Battle Arms Development
S&W sport series ARs are really some of the best bang for your buck their quality is top notch
I believe it was mentioned that Windham Weaponry has a decent combination of price and quality. That was certainly true of the "old" Windham, before they went under. Haven't heard any feedback about the "new", reconstituted Windham.
lol IWI over DD ? S&w sport over DD? What in the world lol ?
PSA in pass REEEKS of an old man incapable of moving past initial impressions from years ago….
I’ve been running a Radian 10.5 on duty for about 7 years and I’ve never had a malfunction. Everyone who shot it loves it. I changed out the trigger and BCG but it’s super ideal now for duty. I paid a lot less back in the day for it. The ergonomics and fit and finish are out of this world. It’s gassed so well and runs every ammo with multiple suppressors. Less gas blow back than anything else I’ve shot. Everyone envies it at work. It blows my Daniel out of the water. No ragrets.
DD barrels are still a work of art but they are never on sale.
blackout defense
I have a LWRC M6 Carbine piston rifle with the short quad rail hand guard.
she's a heavy girl and I haven't shot it in years.
Love Springfield. Nothing but good things here. Some of my Springfields are nail drivers.
SIG has their own AR line called M400. However, if the QC issue happens in MCX, cross, and p320 then I think it will repeat the pattern.
Jeff, though retired from the military, has made enemies today.
Stupid as it is, I've been hesitant to try ALG due to their really shitty logo.
No HK?
Pass on Franklin JUST because of their trigger you aren’t a fan of? Zero mention of build quality or otherwise. Are we supposed to take this ranking seriously in anyway or is this just spit-balling?
And no mention of Blackout Defense….dude, have you seen, much less fired, their Quantum DTL lineup??? It’s amazing! Above God tier in my opinion, seriously.
Ummm this boomer needs to quit.
Where does POF rank?
Mark Larue just banned you from his instragram and Facebook page.
sorry but KAC is god tier. you can save $500-$800 depending on what lower and trigger group you get
DD upper GOD. DD lower pass.
Was kinda hoping to see where you would put American Defense Manufacturing
Great video
agree with you on this list. I respect your thoughts and honesty about the companies and reasoning for this list. I have 2 SOLGW rifles and they're definitely upper mid tier guns highly recommend that company. Also LWRC getting some respect on a tier list I also own 2 of the LWRC IC DI guns amazing weapons most definitely God TIER guns
the first AR I bought was the sport 2 because I liked the logo. I also own some bcm and psa. Bcm are really great, but psa for the price I can’t knock them.
Knights needs to be higher, they’re the reason ARs are good and perform way better than almost anything else on the list. Putting LMT higher than KAC with all the QC issues is straight criminal. Saying LWRC and LMT deserve god tier but KAC doesn’t as well…