Home AR-15 SHOT Show 2011 – Bushmaster Carbon 15 SuperLight Carbine

SHOT Show 2011 – Bushmaster Carbon 15 SuperLight Carbine


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– Bushmaster Carbon 15 SuperLight Carbine

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  1. Not chrome lined!!! No current Bushmaster Super lightweight barrels are chrome lined, that is a fact. They are plain 4150 steel barrel. I had this exact gone and it got sent back twice for issues(no M4 feed ramps and play in mag well). Got it converted to an XM15E2S with the same barrel but has a 12.5" MI handguard over it. The barrel is good for at least 5k rounds as Bushmaster told me(like predator gun barrel-no chrome), so it is chomoly and I'll probably swap it in a few years. I do not mag dump this gun and I wouldn't advise doing so if you have this barrel ( Bushmaster Pencil Barrel).

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