Home Nikon Best Rimfire Scopes 2019

Best Rimfire Scopes 2019


Best rimfire Rifle Scopes for 2019 all under $200 . Hunting , Target ,Long range shooting .22lr , .22 magnum , 17HMR , All these rimfire calibers deserve their own scope. These rimfire scopes will work Great . All are affordable, lightweight, and compact . Make sure and check out all my best scopes for 2019 videos . Best air rifle scope 2019 . Best rifle scopes 2019 . Best hunting scopes 2019 .

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  1. Great video, How do you feel a Hawke 3-9×40 AO Vantage #14123 with BKL s/rings on a Ruger Tactical 10/22FS rifle would be for targets at 50-100 yards? I have been shooting Air rifles and finally decided to get a rimfire 22lr. Thank you for the great uploads, always very helpful.

  2. What is your recommendation for 17HMR? Shooting small ground squirrels at 100yds. Love to find something with side focus and BDC with good glass for under $250. Many LGS' around here quit carrying or don't recommend Vortex.. not positive why. New kid on the block for recommendations seems to be the Athlon Talos. Anyhow, further thoughts? Thanks

  3. for those scopes calibrated for 22 LR how far off at 150 yds will .22 mag be off ?
    I am needing something for a 10/22 Magnum I just got and has never been shot, till I got it. Hopeing to use it for coyotes crossing my small fields.
    Old disabled Nam combat veteran . Afraid Agent Orange is about to over take me finally.

  4. For me on scope, on rimfire is the Simmons 22 mag. With this scope I can hit anything with my Marlin XT17-R. It's the best combo and combat on squirrels and birds. At the range it's dead on from side by side bullet or the same hole at 50 yards. I don't care how great this scope you're saying is the best for rimfire but what I currently using is what will out shoots more than most expensive rimfire rifle with expensive scope. Most times you don't even need to go all out just to get that moa you're looking for. when most times 2x/3x cheaper will rifle will out class all those expensive brand. Don't believe me… look how most starter rifle for beginners today are out beating a single high end rifle by 4x. Anyhow most times high end are safe queens anyways I tend to used mine during hunting and i do a lot of hiking so high end is out of the question. California is not like your state and others where you sit your butt on top of the tree stand all day so walking and hiking is a true hunter where most will never do because of the fearness of encountering things you never want to see

  5. Have you reviewed any firefield scopes? I'm looking into the firefield barrage, I've found a couple reviews that were on the positive side but I really do value your opinions and reviews. Should look into them, they are budget optics in the $100 price range.

  6. Hey brother I just wanted to touch base with you quickly… Doesn't have anything to do with this video..but this is the only way I know how to message you without using email and we both know how well that's worked for us. Lol!
    I'm just a little concerned about where they are gun community is going. I think that things are going a little too fast. I think the market is getting oversaturated with guns… Especially cheap ones.
    It's great that the industry wants to get kids involved…. But with children there's not longevity. Kids can be in the flavor of the day or the fad… Until they reach that age where they get their first car and want to go out and start having… Adult kinds of fun. And by that I mean drinking and getting laid.
    I'm also seeing grown adults becoming sellouts to the sponsors that they have. It's almost as if these companies are trying to make as much money as they can before their ceiling is topped. and what's going to happen after that as a lot of companies are going to go out of business. I didn't see it as I was growing up but the same thing happened in the BMX and freestyle community. They sold bikes by the millions in the late seventies in the 80s. And then one by one the companies folded as kids grew up and moved on to other things.
    History repeats itself and I'm starting to see it be repeated in the air gun world.
    By the way I still own two BMX bikes and I still ride. I can't do all the things I did as a kid… But I'm still damn pretty good for a 50 year old man. Lol!
    I think they are gun industry needs to slow down… And start making products again for its original base. Adult hunters. Adults that are serious about hitting their target and want the most accuracy and the most power they can get.
    I truly got into are gunning because there was an ammo shortage back in the day. I couldn't afford to go to the range and shoot. I didn't have time to reload because of my family. I was missing being behind a trigger once a week to keep my skills honed for deer season….and my little Daisy 880 wasn't doing a damn thing to help with a crow problem I had on my property. So I bought a Gamo big cat 1400 not knowing anything… 1400 feet per second that's damn good…lol! Let's just say I learned a whole lot about Gamo and other break barrels in the first year. Lol!
    I learned a whole lot about brake barrels and Scopes as well…. Magnum Springer's destroy scopes.
    without going through my entire history of are gallons and what I learned… I am still very much into it. break barrels are probably the best thing that you can learn on that helps you if you shoot a magnum powder burner… Or any powder burner for that matter. PCP rifles are the bomb… It's almost too easy. My favorite is still the first one that I ever bought. My HATSAN BT65 in 25 caliber. I would love to shoot and own a FX one day….. I absolutely love the rapid air weapons rifles. RAW. Their factory is only 200 miles away from me here in Tennessee. But recently I heard even they sold out to a larger company to get their product out to a wider base of people. I hope they make lots of money off the deal they deserve it. Originally they were a mom and pop deal with 30 employees. I kind of hate to see that go away.
    Anyway I'm going to end this post by saying… I want the air gun companies to cater to me and what I want. Innovate all you want but innovate for me and my needs and my wallet… Not for some kids wallet…who is buying his first gun off allowance or how many yards he's mowed.
    Keep it real…. And keep it honest.

  7. Awesome video Joe!
    Haven't heard of some of those scopes but will be checking them out for sure.
    Buck toothed with a great ass ! Lol
    We call her butter face ! Everything but her face…..keep em coming my friend with more pink floyd in the intro!
    James from Michigan,

  8. Back in the 80's I bought a new Marlin 880sq and put a 4×12 x 40 Bushnell banner on it to this day it will still cut a playing card in half on edge at 25 yards and hit a squirrel in the eye every time if I do my part , I saw a new 1 on Amazon the other day for around $100 and it would be my #1 recommendation for a rimfire scope

  9. I gotta say I find the hashes on the Leupy 3-9 Freedom just too tight and busy. A friend has one on his .17HMR. For my money I like the 2-7×35 Vortex Diamondback Rimfire and the Clearidge Ultra RM. I have the bigger Ultra XP on my .223 and that thing hasn't moved in a few years of use.

  10. Muh boy, Joe Wayne. This ole boy knows some stuff. We need to hook up and school Rimfire Central and Airgun Natrion with a few videos on, accurate shooting, dispelling the myths and conventional wisdom………and give them the real deal.

  11. And once again think I mention them in everyone of your videos but the primary arms 6x is pretty legit with the 22lr acss reticle. Wish the 1-6x didn’t cost so much. I swear idk how you make this shit up if you had a copy right on your phrases I’d owe you a lot of money I reuse them all the time and I’ll remember the bucktooth girl with the nice ass

  12. Agreed leupold are cutting edge. State of the art. Mind I’m still drooling over that digital scope with the level gauge. Very tempting not seen one in the UK yet joe but I’m gonna have a look around. Gotta see it.
    Oh and to add Hornady with the HMR 17 absolute winner but have you seen the camera rounds? That’s fricking insane.no niko Sterling?? There nice scopes.

  13. Leupold's are nice but as soon as Leupold adds illumination on their under $200 scopes the price jumps up to $ 400 + …I mean like , why? Does it really cost you that much to put electrical components in any of your fine optics….I want to see a Leupold Freedom with Illumination at the cost of perhaps at most $60-$80 more.

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