BCM 12.5” upper with MCMR handguard
BCG: Rainier Arms np3 precision grade
Charging handle: Radian Raptor LT
Lower: Aero Precision M4E1 enhanced forged
Trigger: BCM PNT
Lower parts: Geissele Maritime bolt catch, Battle Arms Dev extended medium mag button, Radian Talon np3 safety, Strike Industries Extended take down pins, KNS anti-roll pins, Bushmaster springs and detents
Sights: Magpul MBUS
Red dot: Holosun 510c
Buffer: UTG extension milspec, Daniel Defense buffer spring, Geissele H2 Buffer, Precision Weapons Systems Ratchet Endplate & Castlenut
Magpul furniture I had lying around (will be replaced with OD furniture soon)

Double-checking . . . It's the lower receiver that requires the Form 1 to become a SBR, correct? In other words, I can purchase a BCM lower from my local FFL, fill out the Form 1 along with all other required paperwork and tax stamp, then wait for things come back before putting my SBR together with upper, right?
Smarties out the grip….SUBSCRIBED!! Hahahah. Sweet looking rifle!!
Great looking build. I have decided to go with the 12.5” BCM pistol in 300 BLACKOUT as my entry into the AR world. I am super excited but a little overwhelmed with all the accessories and parts you can interchange. It just seems so extensive but I’m sure over time it will start to make a lot more sense. Thank for showing your build!
Have the exact same upper and lower, great choice!
Get a b.a.d. lever
How come you didn’t get a bcm lower
Looks a lot like my pistol
Just looking at his rifle I got ideas on my next build. I'm going to make that exact gun just a 16 inch barrel. (Don't feel like going through the ATF Federal Tax Stamp process and then having to know all those federal rules.)
That was pretty slow, I guess with more practice you'll get faster…get a extend bolt release ,but helps a whole lot
Looks great.. I’m building something similar!
Excellent content, very nice build.
Subbed. I love the 12.5
Very nice SBR. I built a couple AR pistols and am on the fence about getting one turned to an SBR. Nice build. Salute
It is scary how close my 300 blk bulid is to yours.
Im confused as to why you decided to SBR the gun instead of having a QD can for it. Other than that, welcome to the 12.5 master race!
I’m considering swapping my 10.3 mk18 barrel out for a 12.5.
Dope build man. Im looking at 12.5 for my first AR. I want a fast soft shooting and reliable do-all. What gas block are you using? Do you plan to suppress? (I'm not looking to in my build)
Love your build. Im am doing a 12.5 as well.