Home AR-15 Bushmaster XM-15

Bushmaster XM-15


Review of my Bushmaster XM-15 manufactured during the ban.

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  1. damn dude your company was issued beta mags that weren't mil spec and you were actually allowed to test that shit before use in the field? ok ok hey man I gotta know where that uniform came from also we dropped woodland in 99 our bdus looked nothing like that please im not knocking u or trolling nice setup bye the way but man don't play dress up like a little girl showing off her new tea party set not cool just be real bout urself and your videos and u will get a lot more positive feedback from it at least then u won't have to cover your face

  2. So you were deployed in the sand box and you were issued a M4 but come
    home and install a vertical drop grip all the way back near mag well,
    install flashlight on left side so you can't activate button with thumb
    of stabilizing hand on drop grip, close dust cover before shooting,
    engage charging handle like your buttering a fluffy biscuit then to top
    everything else off you try engaging trigger with selector on safe not
    once but 3X. You must have went through basic with Pylie from Full Metal
    Jacket! Dude your killing me with your stolen valor BS!

  3. Whole point of a grip is to have a place to hold further out then the magwell. Why would you put it as close as possible? Defeats the whole purpose of it, and it makes it look ridiculous with the beat mag and you trying to reach around it.

  4. I guess not everyone is gifted for talking in public or in a video. After watching FPSRussia, anything else looks silly and amateurish, particularly this video. And why the hell is the guy hiding his face? He thinks he's a big time survivalist/patriot on the FBI's hit list? LOL You're a very frightening little hunter.

  5. Once again, you suck. stop putting out worthless and bad information mr. marksman. Forgot to put the fire selector on fire huh? A lot of anticipation there when you attempted to fire that first shot..Wow, what a flinch ….you are such a fraud.

  6. Well put Walker…I really like the quote! Oh ya….people just don't give you $300.00 hand held lights either. Oh, just one other thing..those woodland camos your wearing, they went out back in the 80s. Must have got a good deal at your local army surplus store…Ya, I thought so. Enough said!

  7. You moron. Greedy people will attempt to disarm the populace so that they can do what ever they want without worrying about the people overthrowing them. How the hell do you think Adolf Hitler became a dictator? People were unable to fight back against oppression and he got what he wanted. " Those willing to give up liberty for security deserve neither and will lose both."- Benjamin Franklin.

  8. So you say you need these guns to defend yourself against people (government) and then say my remark is ridiculous.. Well there's the first flaw in your logic, and weren't you only just arguing that pencils can be just as deadly as guns?
    Also are you serious about basing current legislation on the political climate of 200 years ago? Now that is completely ridiculous my friend. Anyway, it was fun making you look like an idiot 😉

  9. Beware fellow 2nd amendment supporters. Barrack hussein obama has formed his Cyber Warrior group, assigned the task of going into forums, article comment sections, and YouTube videos to make statements against freedom and in support of the regime. You can spot these dickheads a mile away, they are here commenting on this video.

  10. Oh, it seems to be a very reliable weapon, easily capable of killing like 20 guys in a row huh?
    But I wouldn't use that 100 rounds mag.
    They tend to malfunction after 30 shots, like on the Aurora shootings

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