It can be an intimidating process knowing which parts to order for your first AR-15 build. Hopefully this helps some of you out on your first build.
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The most expensive and for good reason is the FOSTECH trigger which fires as you pull the trigger and fires again as you release the trigger. Basically increasing your ROF with a semi-auto gun. Man, I would ditch the "flash" suppressor and use an actual compensator to reduce recoil. Also, which stock did you choose? I would rock the Magpul PRS I believe it's called or something similar. Meaning I would use a fixed stock, LuthAR I believe make some nice cheaper ones and of course magpul makes the best.
Drakos Barrel!!!
Why a 556 bolt carrier but a 223 barrel. Do you plan on only shooting 223?
Maybe you can help solve a mystery of 223 wylde… so 5.56 barrel shoots 5.56 optimumly. 5.56 in a 5.56 generate same pressure as 223 in a 223 chamber. But a 223 in a 556 chamber loses roughly 20% of pressure, meaning slower bullet. Now 223 wylde I understand offer more accuracy than the 5.56, but does it still shoot 223 slower like 556 chamber? I love the idea of being able to use both ammo, but don't want to lose velocity so the holopoint can still open up at slightly longer distances.
Never spend money on upper or lower part kits, they're just a waste of ammo money, besides you usually end up buying all the parts that already come with their individual springs and detentes. I love seeing what parts people buy for their first builds, good job on the trigger, BCG and barrel, all top notch imho.
Starting my first build tomorrow starting with an Aero Precision lower and .Spikes LPK. Then I'll have to wait another few weeks to buy another part lol
wait so what was the total cost?
For a bench gun/distance shooter I would get a fixed stock or something sturdier like a UBR. Also, unless you shoot in the dark, get a brake to lessen recoil and improve follow up shots. Now you are missing one of the most important parts – the optic. Also, a bipod- make sure that rail has an attachment method.
just on my upper parts it's 1k for me but I been building mine for a couple years i just wait for it to be on sale on what I need
The 50 $ upper receiver kit you got ripp off the gas tube is 10$ the assist and dust cover 20$
that's 30 Buck's you spend the 20 you would of spent on the charging handle
You should make a video for Americans on how to build the individual parts needed If you can or recommend them a place to look
exciting, I was just introduced to your page, its amazing. definitely going to help when I start my build
Do more searching next time.Brownells is super expensive with all their parts.I just built a pistol for $350 total rifle and all.There are more better sites cheaper then them.
I suggest you build a .308 or 6.5 if you want an AR that reach out and touch them long ranges. Enjoying the series
After the first one they keep appearing in your collection. Rousch Sports ,Classic Firearms ,Bear Creek Arsenal and Aim Surplus are great places. Don't be fooled on lowers. I have built 8 and the Spike's lowers are sweet but Anderson lowers for the price are the best fit upper to lower. I'm doing another Lower for my 6.5 type 2 Grendel and it's completely Anderson.
cant shoot without sights bro
Looks like you've got some good quality parts bro! have fun on your build but most importantly I hope your satisfied at the range…. don't forget to get some go/no-go guages and check head space before you take it shooting. they're quality parts but… Better safe than sorry.
welcome to the obsession bro you will have ten by this time next year
that's gna be a great shooter
Gaissssssehleh is how you pronounce it in German.
100-012-246MB AR Armorer's Professional KitMfr Part: 156555
$240 dollars for $3.00 dollars in steel and $7.50 machine and labor. What a deal! Can't believe how these gun part manufacturing companies sucker these buyers. lol
I like it
You might as well start looking at glass, my recommendation is a 1×8 Primary Arms or any Primary Arms if you want check out Tibourious Rex, he is a long range shooter and has good info on optics.
I recently did my first (and second) AR as well. I'd recommend a bench vise, mag-well block, armorers wrench, punches, torque wrench, rubber mallet, among other things. Can't wait to see how it turns out!
It will be a very nice AR with all of those parts for sure, the trigger is one of the best
Dude, check out the Bev block from Magpul. Best way to go for assembling your upper and lower! Most armors wrenches are pretty similar so that doesn't make a huge difference! Be sure to grab some anti-seize for mounting the barrel and hand guard. Also grease makes installing pins and springs easy. I will be coming down to Perry to shoot out to 1,000 on steel quite a bit this summer. You will have to come out and stretch out the legs on your new build!
Okay guys, I need some tools! Please leave some recommendations on what I need to buy (roll pins, ball peen hammers?, wrenches, vise blocks, etc). And where the best place to buy them would be! I'll do another video on that once I get it all figured out. Thank you!
don't forget about optics. can't shoot what you can't see. don't go cheap on glass, you'll get what you paid for lol and I recommend american defense mounts, hands down the best solid mount you can get.
hey man if you need cerakote or anodize done , hit up @ct_anodizing_ on IG !
Barrel, bolt and trigger. the rest does not matter.
that's a lot of money for a build considering the overall mediocre parts…1300 can get u a used DD, BCM, or new 6920 with lifetime warranty. Not to mention all the other quality ARs out there. Does the 1300 include all the tools to properly build the AR? Not to be negative but I think you took an L.
I woulda sold u my ar gold trigger for cheaper than that…
Congrats on your first build, looks like you spent extra money in the right places. As said below, guys-lee is the correct pronunciation. IMHO, I would agree about getting a QD back plate for the buffer tube and possibly replacing your flash hider with a Lantac zero recoil muzzle break. They are expensive but, you can sometimes find them on sale for under a $100. Also, you may want to pick up flip up iron sight either from Magpul or Troy Industries. I highly recommend learning to shoot with iron sight and to have them as back up should your optics ever fail you. Try looking on Primary Arms web sight as another AR-15 shopping site. Have fun with your build!
Built my first AR recently as well. Biggest struggle for me were getting the right tools and the roll pins (bolt catch/release and gas tube). Take down or pivot pin (can't remember) can be a pain as well but the battlearms pins I went with made it easy. If you are looking to spend some more money, go with a JP silent capture spring. I rolled the dice with it and couldn't be happier! Also, get a compensator or muzzle brake, I couldn't believe how much of a difference it made (your gun will be loud!)! Congrats on deciding to build and I wish you the best of luck! Also, John Hoang is spot on with "Guys-lee"!