Home CMMG CMMG “Why You May Want To Think Twice About Your Purchase”

CMMG “Why You May Want To Think Twice About Your Purchase”


Just a heads up to the gun community about CMMG customer service and quality control. Also a little info about my dedicated .22 upper I’ve recently built. Enjoy, and leave feedback.

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  1. In my experience, CMMG customer service that has been second to none! I have built 2 dedicated 22lr AR uppers now and 2 for other people. I have had zero issues with 3 out of the 4. The first one is the one I have had over 8k rds through and have had a lot of broken firing pins and also had a barrel collar issue. They have helped me out and sent me replacement parts to help troubleshoot my issues.

    I hate you had an issue with them. Nothing at all like what I have experienced.

  2. Glad I watched your video, I was on the fence on a MKLE9. I will be going with a CZ EVO e3 instead. I completely agree that a company should stand behind their products. Thanks for the video.

  3. I've got an MK4 300 BLK pistol and an MK3 AR10 (308). I have been extremely happy with both the reliability and accuracy of these guns. Neither has had a single failure of an kind to date. The pistol with a little 8" barrel can group shots within a penny at 50 yards and I was ringing a steel target at 600 yards a couple weeks back with the 308. It basically shoots through the same hole at 100 yards even with some PMC cheap ball bulk ammo I recently purchased that was loaded +30 years ago. Not to minimize Mike's experience. But from my experience CMMG has a favorable reputation for cost:function and I would encourage potential customers to do more research to see some of that. I'll be picking up my 3rd from them soon, MK4 556 RCE.

  4. I was planning on purchasing a CMMG rifle. Now that decision is on hold and I'm looking elsewhere. This decision isn't just based on your experience but also on their incomplete and evasive response to an Email I sent them asking about a product and some concerns about it. Thanks for the heads up.

  5. Just tried one today with a Binary Firing System ™ GEN 3 (BFSIII™), however it shoots soo fast a round occasionally detonates before it is all the way in the chamber. Then the empty cartridge get stock in chamber, back of cartridge expands & and fails (yes back of cartridge blows up) and the .22 projectile gets stuck about 2" to 3" in the barrel. Any suggestions? I will make a video of this this weekend, it is easy to duplicate LOL. NOW in semi auto works flawlessly

  6. I'm new to the soccer game played by these large manufacturer and sellers bought a complete cmmg AR style 22 semi and experience all the problems that everyone else experiences failed to fire jams the whole nine yards bunch of crap to think that these weapons require special ammo require special this require special that bunch of bullshit hopefully I'll get these problems ironed out with my cmmg 22 so I can rest and forget about the crap I've been experiencing just learned about the butt pad that inserts behind the rear takedown pin in and in front of the buffer tube which tightens up the lower and upper never really realized until reading the stuff such as you and others have spoke about which got my attention such as the slop between the upper and lower and this is a brand new weapon so the takedown pins should not be a problem acting as if wore out oh well it looks like you know what you're talking about I'm learning my mentality is I just want a dog on tank and a bazooka with a couple of machine guns a regular GI Joe kamikaze pilot Happy New Year happy shooting

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