Tag: national firearms act
AR-15 Classifications: SBR, Pistol, Rifle.
Quick rundown of the three major classifications of AR-15s. And remember, WE AIN'T LAWYERS.
If you require legal guidance, consult a legal professional.
A Quick Summary of ATF's New Pistol Brace Rule
Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, attempts to summarize ATF's new 292 page pistol brace rule in less than 10 minutes. This video...
Our Freedoms are Under Attack – Defend the 2nd
ATF document leaks, proposed rule changes, and a horrible choice for ATF Director are just a few ways that our beloved Second Amendment is...
Braces BAD! Yep, ATF going after braces again…
Comments are open now!
To the point, here are the links:
ATF Proposed Rule
Characteristics Worksheet
We all need to band together and stop this!
Comment Now! Proposed Brace Rule Comments are OPEN!
Straight to the point. Links below. Commenting on the proposed rule is most important, but contacting your elected officials adds to the fight!
Link to...
AR Pistol VS AR Rifle: What Should You Pick?
When choosing between an AR-15 and an AR pistol, the choice is clear … You really want both. But that is a bit of...
"DID IT BLOW UP!?!" 5 Inch CMMG Barrel 5 7×28 Build...
5 Inch CMMG Barrel 5.7x28 Build Function Test With FN FNH Federal and Reloads
slick side at3 tactical upper receiver and hand guard
ATF Changes the Rules on AR Pistol Overall Length
ATF Changes the Rules on AR Pistol Overall Length
Please pass this along to those you know who this will affect!!