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S&W MP 15 sport 2…unboxing and review/range test!

Hey guys...in today's video, I review my new Smith and Wesson M&P 15 Sport 2 that is chambered in 5.56, and walk you through...

Smith and Wesson M&P 15 Pistol Review

Here's an introduction to the newest member of my family. The Smith and Wesson M&P 15 Pistol Review is HERE. Is it really worth...

Shockwave Blade AR15 Pistol Brace & Buffer Tube Review

Review of the Shockwave Blade AR-15 pistol brace and its matching pistol buffer tube. Also included is a brief test fitting onto a...

AR15 Pistol At The Range – Fine Tuning

Shooting my AR15 pistol with a 7inch dpms Kitty Kat barrel at the range.it had some problems,but I will show how I tuned it...

Blackhawk Omnivore Holster Review | Blackhawk Omnivore Light Bearing w/...

Looking for a new holster to fit multiple guns? The Blackhawk Omnivore holster is an awesome choice! With the use of a Streamlight TLR1...

Magpul MOE SL HandGuard for the AR15, Review & Installation

Review of the Magpul SL Hand Guard, installation of a M-Lock AFG and finally, installation of the hand guard onto a PSA upper receiver. ...

Smith & Wesson M&P15 Sport

Shooting and showing another bargain AR15, the M&P 15 Sport. ------------------- ------------------------ Please check out and support the people who help...

Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22 Pistol Review

Allen reviews the Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22 braced pistol. Thanks for watching and we would greatly appreciate it if you would take...

AR-15 Alternatives

I was looking into my gun safes the other day and was wondering how many semi auto 5.56 rifles I have that were not...

Two 22LR options for the AR-15 CMMG .22lr conversion system and...

In this video, I give a tabletop analysis of the CMMG 22lr conversion bolt for your existing 223/556 AR-15 and the Smith and Wesson...