Home AR-15 AR15 Pistol At The Range – Fine Tuning

AR15 Pistol At The Range – Fine Tuning


Shooting my AR15 pistol with a 7inch dpms Kitty Kat barrel at the range.it had some problems,but I will show how I tuned it to make it run like a champ.

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  1. I know this video is old and very good which I want to ask do u have problems of the pins walking out while u are shooting I’m looking at building one

  2. Hey man great vids.

    Anyway, I am in Michigan and by the hat and your accent you may be from Michigan or the UP? If so I am in the middle of a AR pistol build. I have a KAK blade on the lower with a 10.5 barrel and a 12" rail, running a KAK Flashcan on the end. My overall length is 26.75". Is it still considered a pistol? I have a pistol buffer Tube and brace etc. The length is my concern. I am not running any vert grips or anything like that.

    Can you help me out with this question? Thanks.

  3. Great video!! I'm picking up my 7 inch upper tommorrow. Bought it from JSE Surplus, I hope it's a good one! After watching your video I'll probebly pick up a heavier buffer. Can't wait to shoot it!

  4. My experience with these (3 builds later) either use a m16 bolt and standard buffer or use an  ar 15 bolt and a heavy buffer , but yes you are correct , you have to slow down the action using weight in the front or rear !!  Hope that makes sense !!!!!

  5. I have a 10.5 upper with a standard carbine buffer and M16 BCG that's NiB coated (registered pistol lower). I greased the rails on the bolt and lugs well. It will only single fire every time I shoot it. I then ordered a 5 ounce H2 buffer. Do you think that will help it quite a bit? Also, it's ejecting to the 4 o"clock so I don't think it's over gassed. 

  6. I like "that" gun too but, that flash hider( if that's what it is ) ain't working worth a f*#k. I "like" a flash hider, that hides 100%. Maybe what you're runnin' is a muzzle brake, which would be understandable.

  7. Prepperkip! What gas tube are you using? A pigtail, or a pistol length? and what size buffer spring are you running? (i've heard anything over 10.5" doesn't work well).

    I'm having shortstroking issues in my 7" AR Pistol build, and can't quite figure it out.

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