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Tag: Browning

Browning BPS shotgun with SunOptics saddle scope mount installation steps

Walk through of installation of saddle optic mount for browsing bps. This is a smooth bore 12 gauge setup for birds that we wanted...

My 9mm AR-15 SBR Closeup and Build

My first SBR / 9mm AR-15 Build -- Lower Receiver -- SWAT Firearms - Lower Parts Kit -- CMMG - Magwell Block -- Hahn Precision...

Armslist : Nikon Pro Staff 5 with Custom XR Turret –...

Dallas gives us Part 2 on his review of the Nikon Pro Staff Custom Turrent. Subscribe: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Part...

StreamLight TLR-1 HP – First Impressions and Review

I bought a tactical rail mounted flashlight today. Let me know what you think!

2014 CMMG Rifle under $1,000 NEW at the SHOT Show 2014

Computer searchable guns & ammo reference guide at www.firearmsguide.com - Presentation of CMMG Rifle under $1,000 NEW at SHOT Show 2013

CT Legal AR-15? Is it a Pistol Is it a Rifle?

Just purchased a new firearm made by Delta Level Defense. It's it's chambered in .556 and classified as other. I'm very impressed with it's...

FUN! Shoot .22 LR in Your AR 15 Rifle – ...

You Can Easily Convert your AR 15 to SHOOT .22LR (in 1 Minute) w/ CMMG Bravo Conversion Kit: Top 7 Best .22 Survival...

Browning X-Bolt .243 – Nikon Buckmaster

My buddy sighting in his X-Bolt at around 50 yards

S&W M&P15 with CMMG .22 LR AR15 Conversion Kit – Is...

The CMMG .22 LR conversion unit is tested in a Smith & Wesson M&P-15 MOE with a Aimpoint 9000S red dot scope. Eighty rounds...

Nikon Buckmasters II 16338 Review and Unboxing

New Nikon Buckmasters II 3-9x40 BDC 16338 Review and Unboxing by Travis and Travis Fox with www.foxoptic.com