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Tag: 5.56

Bushmaster M4A2 vs M4A3 Patrolman AR-15

This video will be comparing the Bushmaster M4 A2 Patrolman and the Bushmaster M4 A3 Patrolman and we will be looking at the differences...

New AR-15 Pistol

Parts used in the build: RGuns stripped lower DPMS lower parts kit TAPCO mil spec buffer tube Colt h2 Buffer KNS anti roll pins Falcon industries ERGO grip Troy CQB SPC...

STAG ARMS AR-15 unboxing

Micheals new AR

BCM AR 15 at the Shooting Range, Eotech 552 & G23...

Shooting my BCM AR-15 at Wolverine (my local gun range). Still fine tuning the Eotech, a little low and to the left in this...

Shooting a Bushmaster AR-15: Model XM15-E2S

Just a little target practice with a mostly stock Bushy. Miserable weather (you'll hear me complain plenty.....) but it's still more fun than being...

Spikes Tactical Buffer Tube Kit and the PSA Buffer Tube kit...

I discuss the differences between the Spikes Tactical Buffer Tube kit and the Palmetto State Armory Buffer tube kit. PSA has several different...

Fully built Bushmaster Ar-15 at the range

shooting fully built Bushmaster specs- Bushmaster Ar-15/m4 - Fail zero EXO Nickel Boron coated Bolt Carrier Group - Timney trigger -Daniel defense 12' lite...

CMMG .22LR AR Conversion Kit Review

Is the CMMG .22LR AR Conversion kit a bargain or junk? The Northwoods Renaissance Brain Trust presents our experiences. You be the...

3 Reasons The AR-15 Is STILL Better Than The Garbage AK-47

It's a well-known fact that the AR is categorically superior to the AK and the Kalashnikov is suitable only for dirty commies and the...

Bushnell 1-4 power 300 Blackout AR Scope Review

Review of a budget 3-gun 1-4 power AR-15 scope setup for the 300 blackout cartridge. Red dots are designed for short range and...