Tag: 5.56
Bushmaster M4A2 vs M4A3 Patrolman AR-15
This video will be comparing the Bushmaster M4 A2 Patrolman and the Bushmaster M4 A3 Patrolman and we will be looking at the differences...
New AR-15 Pistol
Parts used in the build:
RGuns stripped lower
DPMS lower parts kit
TAPCO mil spec buffer tube
Colt h2 Buffer
KNS anti roll pins
Falcon industries ERGO grip
Troy CQB SPC...
BCM AR 15 at the Shooting Range, Eotech 552 & G23...
Shooting my BCM AR-15 at Wolverine (my local gun range). Still fine tuning the Eotech, a little low and to the left in this...
Shooting a Bushmaster AR-15: Model XM15-E2S
Just a little target practice with a mostly stock Bushy. Miserable weather (you'll hear me complain plenty.....) but it's still more fun than being...
Spikes Tactical Buffer Tube Kit and the PSA Buffer Tube kit...
I discuss the differences between the Spikes Tactical Buffer Tube kit and the Palmetto State Armory Buffer tube kit. PSA has several different...
Fully built Bushmaster Ar-15 at the range
shooting fully built Bushmaster
Bushmaster Ar-15/m4
- Fail zero EXO Nickel Boron coated Bolt Carrier Group
- Timney trigger
-Daniel defense 12' lite...
CMMG .22LR AR Conversion Kit Review
Is the CMMG .22LR AR Conversion kit a bargain or junk? The Northwoods Renaissance Brain Trust presents our experiences. You be the...
3 Reasons The AR-15 Is STILL Better Than The Garbage AK-47
It's a well-known fact that the AR is categorically superior to the AK and the Kalashnikov is suitable only for dirty commies and the...
Bushnell 1-4 power 300 Blackout AR Scope Review
Review of a budget 3-gun 1-4 power AR-15 scope setup for the 300 blackout cartridge. Red dots are designed for short range and...