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Tag: 2a advocate

Joe Biden Guarantees He Will Ban AR-15s, "Not A Joke"

Joe Biden Assault Weapons Ban In an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper on Tuesday, Vice President Joe Biden reiterated his support for stricter gun...

Is Joe Biden Getting Ready To Ban The AR-15?

The AR-15 is one of the most celebrated gun platforms. Known for its power, precision, and customizability, it is not difficult to see why...

OOPS Joe Biden Admits The AR-15 Is Designed To Defend People...

Joe Biden AR-15 Ban I'm sure there will be those who watch this and say, "Oh, it was just a Freudian slip, he really didn't...

Joe Biden Says He Won't Rest Until AR-15s Are Banned In...

Joe Biden 60 Minutes Interview Can you image if Joe Biden had declared, "We passed the most extensive anti-free speech legislation in 30 years" or...

Video of Hunters Being Attacked By Wild Boars Proves The Need...

Wild Boar Hunt Saying you don't need an AR-15 to hunt a deer is a stupid argument because the Second Amendment is not about hunting. The...

Biden Says AR-15s Will Be Banned if Democrats Pick Up 2...

Biden Assault Weapon Ban People expect Joe Biden and the rest of the anti-you-have-a-gun lobby to say explicitly that they want to take the guns,...

Uvalde Families Now Suing Daniel Defense Because Shooter Used Their Rifle

Daniel Defense Uvalde Many people will see this and say, " Oh, it's just a money grab!" In many ways, it is, but it's also...

North Carolina County Putting AR-15s In All Schools

Madison County AR-15s North Carolina’s Madison County School District has put an AR-15 in a safe in every school in the county so the guns...

Top 5 Reasons You NEED An AR-15

NEED An AR-15 Anytime you have a conversation about guns in this country, this question will inevitably come up. Why Does Anyone “NEED” an AR-15? Most...

Woman With Handgun Stops Mass Shooter With AR-15, Where Is The...

Defensive Gun Use The day after the Uvalde School Shooting, a woman armed with a pistol killed a mass shooter who fired a rifle into...