Home AR-15 Is Joe Biden Getting Ready To Ban The AR-15?

Is Joe Biden Getting Ready To Ban The AR-15?


The AR-15 is one of the most celebrated gun platforms. Known for its power, precision, and customizability, it is not difficult to see why many gun enthusiasts enjoy using this weapon.

But recently, United States President Joe Biden expressed his intent to ban assault weapons, including the AR-15. Surely enough, this caused a divide on American soil. Some approve of it, while others, especially gun owners, aren’t pleased about it.

So why does Biden want to ban the use and sale of assault rifles? Is he really ready to implement this plan? And if so? What are the possible repercussions?

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  1. I’m confused on why we can’t fix up the minds of the ill minded via institutions and mental health acts rather than infringe on the acts we were so given. To defend and god forbid, rebel against governments is what amendments like the 2nd stand for

  2. The AR-15 type of firearm has been used in less than 1 in 24,000 firearm deaths.
    The AR-15 type of firearm has been used in defense, saving more lives than they have taken.
    Banning AR-15 type firearms will therefore result in an increase in the loss of innocent lives.
    The government knows this,, therefore the only logical reason to take these weapons away from us, is to decrease our ability to defend ourselves. Now why would our government want to do that ???

  3. I love ur channel but I don’t wanna hear anything about politics when I’m trying to unwind from a busy day. I usually lay down and watch some vid before I go to bed so I can relax and work on all the stress of that day. This is the last place I wanna hear about politics! Please don’t ruin the channel by making it political. If I wanted to hear about politics I would watch the so called news!!!!

  4. Fair free time there is a shooting they go after law abiding citizens comma which is backwards they never make laws to hurt the criminals period they also demonized to police while taking the side of the bad guy, these people are backwards never surrender your weapons people.

  5. Let's clarify something Lindsey Graham is not a woman. 2nd thing I would like to clarify is why is a gun review channel calling AR15 is an assault rifle but it's not what it is

  6. The executive branch does not have Constitutional authority to make law or violate Constitutional rights. Only the legislative branch or Congress can make law. The executive branch cannot violate law without facing lawsuits and Congressional and Judicial checks to balance power between the branches.

  7. What difference is it going to make if other country have assault rifles and we don’t? Then we become a open target. The problem is not the assault rifle the problem is who is buying them.

  8. If I where legally allowed to own a gun I would buy my an AR-15 Rifle. But I am a prohibited person from owning guns. I am 37 years old. And I am on the Autism spectrum I have PDD-NOS. But I do support the 2nd amendment. And I am legally allowed to knives.

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