Home Nikon CVLIFE 3-9×40 Rifle Scope Review – Great or Garbage?

CVLIFE 3-9×40 Rifle Scope Review – Great or Garbage?


Welcome to Ron Spomer Outdoors! In this video, I review the CVLIFE 3-9×40 Rifle Scope. The CVLIFE rifle scope only costs $29.99, so how good could it be? We’re going to find out on this episode of Ron Spomer Outdoors.

Learn more about the scope here –

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00:00 – Intro
00:47 – Unboxing CVLIFE 3-9×40 Rifle Scope
02:19 – Overview
03:08 – Reviewing The Look and Feel
03:31 – Inspecting Internal Construction
04:09 – Smoothness On All Dials and Rings
05:46 – Reviewing The Manual
07:31 – Checking Clarity, Resolution, & Flares
09:50 – Retical Movement and Consistency
11:39 – Checking Parallax Issues
12:31 – Checking Clarity, Resolution, & Flares Outdoors
14:03 – Proofing Kimber 22 Rifle
14:52 – Testing Zero Hold Consistency
17:34 – Checking Parallax Issues While Shooting
23:00 – Recoil Resistance and Durability On 6.5 PRC
26:42 – Recoil Resistance and Durability On 375 H&H
29:22 – Waterproof Test
32:22 – Conclusion
33:12 – 2nd Amendment Freedom Bell


Who is Ron Spomer
For 44 years I’ve had the good fortune to photograph and write about my passion – the outdoor life. Wild creatures and wild places have always stirred me – from the first flushing pheasant that frightened me out of my socks in grandpa’s cornfield to the last whitetail that dismissed me with a wag of its tail. In my attempts to connect with this natural wonder, to become an integral part of our ecosystem and capture a bit of its mystery, I’ve photographed, hiked, hunted, birded, and fished across much of this planet. I’ve seen the beauty that everyone should see, survived adventures that everyone should experience. I may not have climbed the highest mountains, canoed the wildest rivers, caught the largest fish or shot the biggest bucks, but I’ve tried. Perhaps you have, too. And that’s the essential thing. Being out there, an active participant in our outdoor world.

Produced by: Red 11 Media –

All loading, handloading, gunsmithing, shooting and associated activities and demonstrations depicted in our videos are conducted by trained, certified, professional gun handlers, instructors, and shooters for instructional and entertainment purposes only with emphasis on safety and responsible gun handling. Always check at least 3 industry handloading manuals for handloading data, 2 or 3 online ballistic calculators for ballistic data. Do not modify any cartridge or firearm beyond what the manufacturer recommends. Do not attempt to duplicate, mimic, or replicate anything you see in our videos. Firearms, ammunition, and constituent parts can be extremely dangerous if not used safely.

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  1. I have the CVLIFE 4-16x X 44 with the side mount parallax adjustment. And absolutely LOVE it. Best $90 I ever spent on a scope no joke. Is it as good as my Leopold and Burris scopes? NOPE. But for the money, even at twice the price, its really darn good! Great review vid Ron.

  2. I just purchased one and will be putting it on an inexpensive 22 which i picked up for about the same price as the scope. Never thought i would ever spend more money on a scope than the price of a gun but here ya go….never say never

  3. Bought one 3-9x and tried out. Laser bored at home @ 10yds and went to the ranch and zeroed after a few rounds @25 yds. After a few hundreds rounds on my 10/22, bullseye still hold zero. Eyeing another or probably 4-16x now

  4. The Chinese do not respect our Copy Right Laws. That Scope is probably made by the same company that makes Long Distance scopes capable of 1 mile shots that cost $1000.00’s of dollars.
    And it’s sad the US and other western Countries allow the Chinese to have the technology capable to make high grade optics in return for profits.

  5. Thanks for the video. I bought the CV Life Foxspook 3-9× AO scope. Having never owned an AO scope before I wanted to try out an adjustable objective scope. Haven't mounted it yet but by just holding the scope in my hand I can focus sharply at different distances from ten yards all the way out to infinity whatever that's supposed to mean.
    So far I'm pleased with it.
    By the way, coincidentally the box my scope shipped in had a bit of a kink in it with one side of the box near the flap end had a pooched out area like the objective or eyepiece was pressed against the box however the scope itself appears to be not damaged in the least plus the scope was shipped in a bigger box with packaging material.

  6. My problems always seem to come later with cheap scopes. My 7mm magnum just destroys cheap scopes. I think as the glue inside ages they let loose. Broke a tasco, and 2 bushnell 3-9 power scopes. Then I put a Redfield on it. And it held together prety good. The cheap ones would work fine for a season or two. Then something will break loose inside. I had them go in, and out of focus, or they won't hold zero. Take it off and give it a shake and they rattle inside.

  7. Nice review !
    I bought this BEFORE I saw your review, but Have to say that this scope performed much like one costing MUCH more. When zeroing, it was almost perfect right out of the box.
    For the money, it's a heck of a scope.

  8. Quest Ron I see you adjusting the scope in a lot of your videos left or right depending on shots how come you don’t just hold center target and turn the turret till the cross hairs meet the impact hole ? Does it make a difference

  9. You might be running into issues with the camera focus because the scope needs to lined up at 2.5-2.75" from the sensor, not the lens.

    There is a little circle with a line through it on the eyepiece of most cameras that tell you where the sensor is.

  10. Now tell us how impressed and how good the scope did and then tell us how you're still going to buy a $300 one instead of a $30 one even though this test proved they're just as good

  11. First high powered rifle cz alpha 600 in 308 and scoped with CVlife 4-16 scope. Laser bore sighted it at home off a wall at about 10 yards. Did 2 honing shots at 25yrds at range and my first 5 shots at 100 yards was a 3/4" inch group about half an inch off bullseye. Scope works and is clear is all I can say. Spent 55 bucks or so Amazon.

  12. Well, Back in the day, a Kid myself, bought a 2×7 scope for my air rifle. It was useless(Maybe because I had to sneak whithin 10-20 yds of game to bring them down)) Went back to open target sights. My 1st serious scope was a Bushnell Scopechief 3×9, back in the 1970's on my 1917 US Enfield 30-06. It accounted for many a well placed shot on game. Back in the 80's while trying loads/sighting in, someone from neighbor party came over and aked to try his rifle, a new Interarms Mauser. His scope was uselles, could barely see the target and foggy. My Bushnell lost nitrogen once became foggy and they fixed it assap

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