Home AR-15 He Stopped A Mass Murder With His AR-15

He Stopped A Mass Murder With His AR-15


#selfdefense #goa #texas
On Nov. 5th 2017, a deranged man attacked a church in Sutherland Springs, TX, killing 26 people and wounding 22 others. Stephen Willeford, a local resident, shot and critically wounded the attacker. This is his story.

This clip is from the documentary: “Infringed: Gun Rights in America” by Tim Pool & Lauren Southern. To watch the full documentary please visit timcast.com.

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A GOA Employee Tells His Story of Self-Defense

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  1. When seconds count, law enforcement is minutes away. He stopped the killer from killing more. Law enforcement already failed to stop the guy before he killed even though they had reasonable suspicion with the guy's background record. This has played out so many times where law enforcement could have stopped the killers but didn't when they had evidence and they did not need to violate the person's rights with an unlawful red flag law. All they needed was a court order and it does not take a red flag law to get a court order.

  2. Good video. Always remember this, YOU are your own first responder. When a life threatening situation arises and every second counts, law enforcement is minutes away. The most inherent human right that we all share is the right to self defense.

  3. According to the nics, an AR-15 is responsible for an average 65 to 85 deaths a year. Ur government is insane about this weapon for their protection and their protection only because this would b the weapon of choice against a tyrannical government. Like the world is seeing now

  4. 100% hero energy brother. Flow state is an addictive feeling, but my god. A lot of people very much appreciate what you did that day. Bless you and your family my friend and may there be hero’s everywhere that act as you did!!!!

  5. The political left wants the law-abiding man disarmed, knowing full well that the criminals will always be armed. There's no orher way to describe it. They want the criminal class to rule. Whether they're merely stupid, or hypnotized by lying media, or intentionally evil, the leftists are acting enemies of the republic.

  6. Stephen Williford, so what godly stuff do you have to say about the kids of Uvalde? Any particular reason why he didn't show up that day? Is that the way he calls his children home? Are there any other times in history where mass innocent casualties took place and miracles absent? Is it possible that god is not who you think he is sir?

  7. Leftists don't want us to be able to fight back. They want everyone to be terrified in perpetuity so they can always claim they will come to the rescue. 'We have always been at war with Eastasia.'

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