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Original FoldAR (XAR) video:
The FoldAR is here and it’s neat. We’ve played with the folding AR before when it was a prototype but now it’s been updated and is in production. The FoldAR allows you to use a 16″ barrel rifle and still tuck it away in a very small space.
#ar15 #crazy #556
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I should buy one before the ATF (always terrorizing freedom) decides its illegal somehow
You guys would do anything to avoid using a Bullpup.
Can I get a left hand eject model, please?
Better buy one as soon as you possibly can.
As soon as they gain popularity, we all know what will happen….
And the ATF says…
11:39 , i appreciate the project, BUT my teacher say to me, every layer is an error, so, as low as is the better performance, here i can see 3, the pin, the open/close mechanism and the different material….
So do you marry their trunnion up to what ever barrel you choose? How about barrel length? Thanks very cool idea.
Big improvement to the ar. Love it!
I can't wait to walk around town with my AR folded in my backpack, like a nut job.
Please do some 6 mm arc content on the shorter barrels.
This Is the first "New ' AR15' '"

That I like, Thought of that long time ego, Glad that finally is on functional status.
Good Job Guys/Gals @ (FoldAR) who ever put this together.
Minus that small glitch on the fastening system . Over all Excellent
My man… are you allergic to eye pro?
I'm amazed what they did with the gas tube.
I really like my Fold AR, but it has a folding buttstock , so its different than the one you are showing..
This is cool and I would also like a folding Lever Action Rifle.
That thing is mo betta lol I think its fckn dope.
Hey Tim, I didn’t know where to ask this question so here it is in your latest video comments. I miss your videos with GOA reps. Where have they gone? I’m still trying to decide what to do in light of recent Alphabet Agency power grabs and I trust your insight. I follow a few other 2A legal groups including GOA and I’m still not sure what direction to go concerning p*st** br**e “rule” ?
You’re looking unusually psycho in the thumbnail
Glad you did an follow up on the short video you did earlier. Thanks. BTW, have you ever heard of the "Cry Havoc" take down system. And if so, is it any good?
How large a group size is that making? The concept is nice, throwing a tight group can also count.
very cool indeed
Take my money
Always see these gimmick guns every few years
Thanks much! Thought I was done with my fix…just ordered one.