In this episode of TFBTV, James Reeves reviews the Bushmaster Bravo Zulu carbine, and takes this as an opportunity to discuss what features to look for in an AR-15. James’ first AR was a Bushmaster Patrolman’s Carbine, an early civilianized version of the military’s M4 rifle. The AR-15 and M-16 have been around since the 1960s, but even in the past 20 years, there have been vast improvements in the design and build of this rifle. James discusses those advances and tells you “what’s the deal with new Bushmaster?”
• AR-15s in stock at Top Gun Supply:
• Optic James is Using – Trijicon MRO:
• James’ favorite sling (BFG Vickers):
• James’ Sunglasses of Choice:
• Oakley Ballistic M-Frame Shooting Glasses:
• Walker Razor Slim Electronic Muffs:
• Apparel: All TFBTV apparel is sponsored by 5.11 Tactical and you can get it at www.511tactical.com
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0:00 Intro
4:40 Specs and Features
12:25 Accuracy Testing
14:12 Negatives
16:50 Conclusion

review the stag 15 tactical its a fucking great rifle for the price, mines like the work horse from a blue collar hell hole
My work makes the clamp on barrel guards for colt. Hadn’t seen them before until recently
Glock sucks
Bravo Zulu.. bravo zulu… yeah, James the more you or me say bravo freakin Zulu the more I want to punch something in the nose… its like the word boogaloo.
I saw a guy with orange hunters vest in the local gun store saying Bravo Zulu so yeah its not cool anymore.. jk great vids Mr. Reeves
Btw that was a TFB inside joke
My recommendations…for your first AR buy a pre-built one from Smith and Wesson, Savage, PSA or a well known manufacturer. Spend less than $1K but get generally what you want…or what you think you want: old style, new style, etc. Once you have one for a while and you try different parts on it, you'll start to know what you want in your next AR. Once you do that, assemble your second AR, even if it's just the lower and you buy a complete upper. For your third AR, assemble the upper and lower using the components you like…or buy whatever AR has the features you really want. If you're really able to understand the features important to you off the bat, then just go buy what you want.
With that jaw line, I think you owe it to all of us to wear a Batman mask through an entire video .
Now we need the bushmaster ACR
that ass shot was unnecessary but appreciated
Good video, thanks James
Spend a few more bucks and get yourself an LWRC DI. TOTALLY worth it.
0:47 is why I'm subscribed to this channel
I’m getting one
Hard to get too excited about another AR. That market is beyond saturated.
I would absolutely have an interest in the new Bravo Zulu. Just next year though. I'm poor as shit at the moment and piecing together a gun is more economical for me although I end up paying more in the long run. A lot of guys are in this bucket with me at the moment. I've been putting my wife through college.
I like that brake
Lol I payed over 200 for my "clamp on" style handguard from a very reputable company. I like them, and have never had one come loose, but I agree screwing into the barrel nut is possibly more secure, I think clamp style is closer to free-float than barrel nut screws. I have had a riffle with the barrel screw attach style screws come loose.
Stop going to the range with cops.
They hate you.
Radian Raptor is still the king of the charging handles. I finally got to use the SD version for my suppressed rifle and it worked as advertised, no gas blow back in my face.
Get a Colt CR6920 and call it a day.
Good review with lots of data. Will give you the creative license on the title. Others have said and I agree $1K is the magic consumer price point. I don't really get why manufacturers and big reviewers (esp manuf) don't interface better on barrel specs. Saw it on the IWI Z-15 (Mr G&G) as well. Why are barel specs so vague?
It’s really hard to beat an aero lower with a Bcm/dd/solgw upper
"How to choose a AR-15"
Me as a AK user: "you just dont"
The Culture!
If the barrel was 4150 steel they would brag about it. The fact that nothing is mentioned about its specs is the smoking gun that suggests it's 4140.
Aero lower, BCM upper. Boom, AR chosen
BCM upper and an aero lower, boom
I wish I could achieve that level of support/shame when dealing with my manchild siblings. Your the true king my friend an inspiration to all, lmbo
Since when is the consensus that nitrating is better than chrome lining? Chrome lining protects the barrel much better.
The issue with chrome lining is that it somewhat reduces accuracy, which isn't the case with nitrating.
It is the james reeves gun school gun lecture . A lot of education to take in . Education at it's best . After watching this show i might buy a AR .
How to select an AR. Step 1: don’t
1st commercially bought AR, Colt(ERRRR, My Little Pony). 2nd, a DEL-TON. After those I've built every AR on Aero Precision upper/lowers to my exact liking. For really decent amount of expenditure so I don't really ever see myself buying a commercially built one ever again.
I always love James’ videos, but honest to god, I had NO IDEA that the channel could pull off a video animation so realistic as was done with the engineers / Twin Peaks segment. Lucas Arts will no doubt contact their team very soon!
Idk wat the stock trigger in my ar feels like bought a binary trigger with the gun swapped it in the store
I bought a ZroDelta Ready Series Base Rifle on sale for $800 a while back. 16” 1:8 .223 Wylde barrel, and pretty much standard parts everywhere else. It shoots really well!
Looks like a decent AR. 4140 isn't as inferior as you may believe. Yes 4150 has a bit more carbon and an "upgrade" but 4140 isn't junk. That stock is interesting, what brand did you say?
the 4 way stop joke at 9:00 was an unexpected laugh. the best kind of laugh.