Home AR-15 How to Assemble an AR Lower (AR Build 1 of 2)

How to Assemble an AR Lower (AR Build 1 of 2)


Assembling an AR at home is not nearly as difficult as it sounds! Starting with a lower, you only need a handful of tools and parts to get the job done. This is an excellent opportunity to both understand how your firearm works and have full control over what goes into it. Give it a go!

Parts list:
– Aero Precision M4E1
– LaRue MBT-2S
Magpul K2
Magpul BAD Lever
– Radian Talon
– Vltor A5 system with A5-3 buffer
– SB Tactical SBA3
– BCM QD end plate
– B. King’s Firearms lower parts kit

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  1. AR-15 is the Windows Vista of the gun world

    Everyone uses it because everyone has it everyone makes parts for it because everyone has it therefore everyone uses it…. But is it really the best option?

  2. I never seen this process done before, it's interesting and i think this video will be helpful to any one that wants to build his/her own AR15 lower; very nice, seems to require skill and knowledge… .

  3. Used your vid as a refresher for my partner and I to build her first AR. I did very little and helped when she got stuck. Thanks for being you and also thanks for femme representation. Firearms are not gendered and belong to everyone! Glad to see the channel booming!

  4. I discovered your channel via inrangetv q&a you participated in.

    I really like your format and style its refreshing to see a gun channel like this i like how thoroughly informative you are on the subjects and its good to see a gun channel that isn't screaming in a conservative magaland echo chamber.

  5. ive been binge watching these and been enjoying them its really fascinating learning new gun owners perspective in 2021 and when i learned in the early 90s this info would have saved alot of research and time but the new tech really can be used for good sometimes like this

  6. Not a huge fan of the BAD lever. Extra controls in your FCG I feel isn't a super great idea imo on top of hearing quite a few people reporting that the BAD lever induced ND's even with experienced shooters

  7. One thing I like to do when installing the trigger is using a punch to hold it in place lined up, then pushing the punch out using the pin until the pin is in place. I hope someone finds this helpful!

  8. #1. Where did you even get a lower receiver? I've been lurking on Aero Precision for MONTHS waiting for receiver sets to come back in stock.

    #2. Aside from aesthetics, I think making the controls on your rifle a different, high-contrast color to everything else is probably low-key really smart. Might make a potentially life-saving difference in low-light conditions.

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