In this episode of TFBTV, resident NOD nerd Hop visits with EOTech to discuss their new night vision gear.
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Hop about to send that representative to the moon with that ridiculous pricing
hop trying to keep a straight face while the eotech guy talks about standard features as "premium" is real comedy
>filmed tubes
>premium product
Pick one
They will be offering MOST, but not all of these products to the consumer market. Just like that, you've lost my support. That's anti 2a as fuck. Just like Taurus selling their carbines to law enforcement and military only. That's why I won't buy anymore Taurus products.
The Talibans get night vision gears for free
Came to the comments to make sure $12,000.00 was the craziest shit I ever heard. Was not disappointed.
Came to the comments to make sure $12,000.00 was the craziest shit I ever heard. Was not disappointed.
Photonis and Elbit for twice the price. Nice.
I think EOTech might be looking to trade on their name with LE clients after Holosun cut everyone’s throats in the civilian optic market.
Were using nothing but the best. Maybe a civilian like you may have heard of photonis. Used by elite french fighting forces. Elite performance commands elite prices.
Hop gets an oscar for keeping his cool
FU Eotech.
This better have a red dot integrated
$12k for Elbit or Photonis tubes…
Or buy L3 filmless and only cry once.
And DTNVG, DTNVS & UANVB "Katana" all switch off individual pods with articulation.
"We will be providing most of the products to the general public"
Basically EOtech wants the consumer to pay 4K for their housing
I want what they are smoking. Does this housing walk my dog too?
Why would you ever pay 12k for Elbit thin filmed tubes? They are going to be in for a rude awakening if they think people with pay L3 HARRIS BNVD1531 money for Elbit tubes
Premium mil standard is an oxymoron
I think I’ll wait until holosun comes out with their own night vision to be able to afford it without taking a small loan out lol
ABNV / MOD-3 Bravo with the SAME Photonis 4g hybrid tubes theyre gonna use…under 7k. Not only is it a dual tube system, but the tubes can be clicked off the bridge and be used as a mono tube. Deff steering away from eotech on the NV side of things. Thanks for trying Eotech. If they were L3/Harris tubes i might say different butttttttttttttttttt nice try.
Those prices are stupid. You can’t call it “premium” when you’re just getting into the NV game. Most nods are overpriced. You can build a set of duals for around 3000 and at their price it’s much cheaper. I’m tired of all these companies calling something milspec for the civ market to justify a bogus price.
Hard pass. PVS-14 is premium as it is and can be had for far less!
Wow EOTech has been huffing paint for the past year
Have fun finding buyers fuuuuuuucckkkers