Home CMMG 4.6x30mm – First Shots and Sighting In | CMMG FourSix | (HK...

4.6x30mm – First Shots and Sighting In | CMMG FourSix | (HK MP7 Caliber)


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After years of only being available in a platform made of unatainium, the 4.6×30 cartridge finds a new home in the all New CMMG FourSix!

The all new CMMG FourSix brings this incredible round to the US Civilian market, and in the one platform most people know… the AR.

4.6x30mm – First Shots and Sighting In | CMMG FourSix | (HK MP7 Caliber)
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  1. DOH! Wrong camera! Good job anyhoo! Looks fun but good golly the ammo is already *GONE* ……. sigh
    That is the world we live in. I agree with the others who chimed in about the 4.6 being the "also-ran" to the 5.7 in the PDW competitions in the 90's.
    Seems in Feb 2021 5.7×28 became official with NATO STANAG 4509. Poor ol' 4.6 loses out again.

  2. All we need now is H&K to import semi auto mp7s into the u.s and we can get into some real business, then again, there's no telling how long it will take for that to happen, if it happens really, that's the real question, and I'm scared to think how much retail will be, I'm foreboding that if they ever do come into the u.s they will be more than the mp5 and mp5k pistols. And they sell for what, about 2,000 to 3000 dollars u.s, depending on the distributor or ffl ?

  3. This caliber is panic proof. Back in 2012 there were literally shelves of it at Academy Sports in Houston when there was nothing else. Of course, few people use it but it was and apparently still actively imported. Good to see US Mfg using it

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