Home AR-15 AR-15 Uppers and Lowers: What's legal? (New Video for 2020)

AR-15 Uppers and Lowers: What's legal? (New Video for 2020)


This is a new version of a much older (and popular) video I made many years ago talking about what is legal when it comes to mixing and matching upper and lower for AR-15s and what types of accessories you can have on each.

I am NOT a lawyer, so do not take anything in this video as legal advice. Consult an attorney for legal issues in your area.

Original hearings on the 1934 National Firearms Act –

NFA Original Text –

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  1. Thank you for the information. I never knew the NRA traded away our rights in 1934 but it doesn't surprise me. After all I dropped them after I learned that LaPierre was earning over a million dollars per yr. All that fund raising they do is to keep him rich. Dropped them like a hot potato.

  2. Great video but remember when you have a tax stamp on one of your Weapons Law-enforcement can walk right into your house And they don’t have to knock That sucks in general

  3. What about slings? Can you put a 1 point or 2 point sling on a AR pistol? Can’t seem to find much data on this online. So my AR pistol is sling less >.>

  4. I have a 10.5in AR with a spiked extended buffer tube the length of pull in within legal length but since it’s 29in over all I have firearm status and can mount a foreword grip..it’s my favorite AR cause it’s a big F-u to these obsolete unconstitutional laws lol great video keep up coming

  5. Hey Jason – another great video – really appreciate you sharing your knowledge – I unfortunately live in CT so things are very difficult here – we can still buy lower receivers here but they have to be turned into “others” – would love a video with more information and options about building from lowers – thanks again!

  6. So as a result of the recent hurricane Isaias, I and 6 other small farms lost a 60 foot section of our road, effectively trapping us on our farms. Trying to get funding to repair it has us stressed, despite a GoFundMepage. I save your videos as my reward for hard work everyday. Love your content, and it's always helpful!!! And BTW, I always listen until the end 😊

  7. thought youll touch a little more on the foregrip on a pistol, i know the vertical and angle laws on it, what about the little small foregrips that looks like little thumbs on the bottom and sometimes on the side of the hand rail?

  8. "Firearm" is helpful for people in ban states (12.5" barrel, forward grip, pistol brace, >26" OAL) like Connecticut.

    If you want a rifle with a 14.5" barrel, you can get a pinned and welded flash hider as long as it can be 16.1" permanently measured from the bolt face.

    The 16" barrel + 26" OAL is helpful to know when getting a bull-pup. The Tavor had to come into the states with a buttplate that was longer.

    I always buy lower receivers and take a picture with a pistol buffer tube first, then I can make it into a pistol or rifle in the future and have proof that it was built into a pistol first. Pretty sure a pistol can be made into a rifle, but a rifle can't be made into a pistol.

  9. An anecdote, with the 16in variant, if you put a pistol brace on a 16in barrel, and it's less than 26in, it's usually considered a "AOW". That's how Reno May got away with having full features on his AR 15 without registering it as an "Assault Weapon" in California.

  10. I was told by a large dealer at the KY Knob Creek gun show that if you build a striped lower into a pistol first you can go back and forth from pistol to rifle. Is this true? I noticed that you skipped over this, was it on purpose so as to not open this huge can of worms? I always assemble all my new lowers as a pistol first and photograph it just in case I would like to change it later. I'm loving the channel and I do thank you for going all work and time involved in make videos like this.

  11. It makes approximately 0 sense how a vertical foregrip redesigns it to be used with two hands but an angled foregrip does not in their minds lol. Like what do they think the point of an angled foreGRIP is? Just to be safe I just keep all grips or anything intended to be grabbed by another hand off my pistols just so it is crystal clear they were designed to only be fired with one hand.

  12. You are correct that a rifle is stuck as a rifle, but ATF ruling 2011-4 states that a pistol receiver can be made into a rifle as long as the barrel is 16" minimum first. And then back into a pistol , as long as the stock and short barrel don't happen at the same time creating an unregistered SBR…

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