This is my first collection video of 2021. It is on my Colt AR-15 collection which includes my clones, SBRs and collectible variants.
Rifles shown in this video –
LE6920 (w/ LE Restricted Markings)
LE6920 (w/ Mexican Export Markings)
M16A1 Vietnam Reissue
Mk18 Mod 0 Clone
Mk18 Mod 1 Clone
Colt Commando
LE6921 M4 Clone
LE6921 M4 in FDE Clone
LE6720 Lightweight Carbine
AR-15 9mm Carbine (Semi version of the Colt SMG)
If you want to check out my other collection videos…
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Texas Gun Vault
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My first AR will be the A4 model 20” barrel. I’ll use it for hunting. But love it’s old school look.
Why do all of your AR15's look like toys next to your tactical dad bod? I've never seen an AR15 in person, are they really that small?
Hopefully when you die, your wife won't sell all of them for cheap x-D
Nice collection. I only have two colts. But my ak collection is big.
I have owned several different types of AR rifles and I still have my colt. I think that colt use to be the best weapons made. They started going downhill when they stopped making hand guns. I still have my 60’s era colt Python 357 with a 6” barrel. When I had to qualify at the range I would use my go to gun. I can hit anything with my python. The new pythons made in the 90’s where garbage, to many miss fires.
Thinking about buying a Colt M4 Carbine but heard most parts on gun are outsourced and on side it just says Carbine and not M4 Carbine.
Would I be making a mistake by buying a new Colt M4? At about $1000 it is in my price range.
The "df" on the Mexican AR15 means "distrito Federal" not defense force.
Out of curiosity where the colt commando lowers for the Italian market?
I found a XM16E1 colt you think it's worth to pick up
Some very cool variants in your collection! Not a big fan of Colt unfortunately, especially in recent times. But hey glad you found something you love. That m16a1 clone is sweet, as is the mk18 build!
Great collection.
Nice collection
Very nice collection my man, I've been drooling for a LMT MK18 Mod 0 for years…#1 AR on my AR bucket list….
I wouldn’t trade my Colt A-2 Sporter and my A-2 H-bar Sporter for everyone of these .
Identmark does great work. I've used them several times in the past as well.
Sounds like a good safe problem.
You don’t have any mk12?
Awesome colts. No 6920 socom? Surprised
I want one. Whats the best way to aquire one? I've been trying to buy an AR, never owned one.
Please do a pcc or smg gun collection video
The Mexican model, had the first ejected brass sent with the gun , worked there for years weapons tester
Nice collection, you should get a Crane sopmod stock for the early MK18
Thank you for making this video so I can show it to my girlfriend the next time she says I buy too many guns "that are all the same"
Joking..kinda. I'm jealous of the collection.