In this video I show you how to install a Troy Industries TRX Alpha Rail. I also wanted to do it using only common household tools, no special gunsmithing gadgets. I feel like many companies market tools and make it seem like if you don’t have them that the job is impossible.
Check out this video to get a code for 10% off all troy products
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Why do you take the gas block off ???
Everything you did could’ve been done with it on ……
Just askin …..
Well done!
What length rail did you go with? Did you shave your factory gas block if so do you have an idea of how much?
Is this the mp15 sport 2?
Take the dam upper off the lower
Cool video!! Nothing wrong with using your head to get things done!
I'm gonna use your gas block idea on the rifle I'm getting ready to upgrade..
Probably easier if u just cut the FSB tower, saves many steps.
I see that nick you put at the top front of that pic rail
I like the way you approach this
I know this is old I followed your fabrication and knocked out the 2 pins for the gas block. I got one back in all the way but the other bent when it was half way in. I was thinking about grinding off the bent part flush. Think that’ll be ok since it’s not in completely?
Brilliant… Going to do the same. Now to figure out what free float handguard to go with
How long is the rail?
Get her done brother work for you ! Work for the rest of us save some money for beer and steaks!!!!!
Dude you have a lot more nerve than I do. Great job I learned actually what I need to do now.
How much money are you really saving without the tools ?
Aussie Commandos and SASR did this a while back to their standard block 1 m4s and mk18 mod 0 and outfitted the same troy rail.
Excellent video! Thanks for sharing.
I like your style
Anyone else having trouble finding a 13" free float quad in stock?
I would not have removed the gas tube, there was no need.
Everything is good but you cut that barrel lock. Are you crazy?
The only thing holding on his fucking rail is the optic

Omg this is terrifying

Bro get a arnorers tool holy shit
Where did you get your front sling swivel at?
Yeah he lost me the second he starting cutting
Quick question brother this is the 13 in or 11 or what's the length of the handguard? Thx
What's the length size of that handgaurad?
I wanted to kill myself this entire video
Do any other rails fit this way and whats the difference
R u using a metal grinder.. I just bought the 3000 and i have a kit that came with it just not sure what kind i need to cut all this crap off..nice job
Why do you cut it off ?
Being cheap is fine. I can appreciate that. But not cleaning the gas tube before reinstalling it is lazy. Lazy is not ok.
Cheap is good, to hell with it my clock stopped ticking 7 years ago and it still shows correct time twice per day.
did you need some AR 15 Handguards & Rails? please look at here http://souforce-hunting.com/c/ar-15-handguards-amp-rails-0393 free shipping & high quality and cheapest.
Really good tutorial. Thank you for posting! I plan to purchase handguards from Soufroce for my AR, can anyone give me some advice ? https://www.souforce-hunting.com/c/ar-15-handguards-amp-rails-0393
Hell of a video, no bullshit and right to the point.
That sir is a bad ass ACOG
Trijicon is my favorite 1,000 dollar optic. Why bye tools when you can drop a cold hard g on the one of the best optics around. SMART MAN!!! I love it brother.
He's not wearing proper PPE