Home CMMG CMMG Resolute 200 7.62×39 First Look

CMMG Resolute 200 7.62×39 First Look


CMMG revamped its line of firearms in 2018 to introduce 3 series.
Banshee – Pistol and NFA SBRs
Resolute – Carbines ranging from PCC to rifle cartridges
Endeavor – Long Range only

We have the mid-tier carbine for a first look chambered in my favorite intermediate round the 7.62x39mm.


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  1. I purchased one of those in the 300 midnight bronze about a month ago. Specifically the 7.62x39mm to keep ammo caliber consistent with my sks. However, I'm nervous to use steel cased ammo in it too much. Any opinions on ammo preferences? I've already put approx 200rds of tula through it then did an extensive cleaning and lubing right after. Its the most expensive rifle I own and want to take the best care I can. I have brass but like to use the cheap stuff for ranges. Is it worth it or do you think I should stick to brass?

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