Home CMMG CMMG .22LR AR Conversion Kit – Does It Work In...

CMMG .22LR AR Conversion Kit – Does It Work In My AR Pistol? Absolutely Not!!


The CMMG .22 conversion kit works great in my AR platform rifles but it just won’t work in my AR pistol? Watch as I get frustrated trying to make this kit work.

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  1. I’ve had my 1st gen unit so long (12 years and 50k rounds) that I’ve literally worn out the mag feed lips, split the chamber adapter, and most recently wore out the extractor. CMMG has replaced everything without hesitation on their behalf. What a great company

  2. Too many jams boss! Thanks for sharing this video. I was considering picking up a conversion kit now im not going to. Just doesn't suit the AR15 platform i guess. Keep the videos coming. And thanks again. I wish I could shoot with you. My dream is to be able to shoot in my backyard. Take care Patriot.

  3. I haven't had any malfunctions with mine, in pistol or rifle. I have two of the kits and fire them in two different weapons, one pistol one rifle. Neither of my kits hold the BCG open on the last round.

  4. You might want to try some REM oil instead of the Lucas I find it to be more effective. With a little modification you'll have it running in no time a very good investment to have especially with the price of ammo. This is why I stocked up four years ago……… take this experience as a lesson to always stock up but it's always good to invest in a conversion kit to save on your ammo or save your own bacon.

    Just remember to be safe on the Range and don't forget to wear eye protection in hearing protection you only get one set of eyes and you don't want to lose your hearing train hard and win the fight

  5. I believe CMMG has upgraded the 22lr conversion since then. I ordered that product about 6 months ago, and I use it in my Colt AR with a 7.5” barrel, and I haven’t had 1 single issue. Not saying that I won’t ever have an issue here and there, but try the newer conversion kit, I think you’ll have better success. Thanks!

  6. I appreciate your honest review. I just received the new stainless steel model. I haven't have the good weather yet to give it a tryout.
    I've read of two potential problems:
    1. They don't work with Notched Hammers.
    2. The ejected cases can get caught on the Charging Handle. As I said in another post, CMMG makes a Charging Handle.

  7. We were able to borrow the Atchisson version which is similar to the CMMG. We ran thousands of rounds on full auto using a government issued AR. The Atchisson also jammed once in a while. It was a lot of fun until we found out that the springs needed to be replaced.

  8. The CMMG conversion is a simple blowback design. Pistol or rifle shouldn't matter as barrel length won't effect the function. I would try shimming the bcg and make sure it's tight against the buffer. Otherwise, always suspect a bad mag.
    P.S. We always shoot a few .223 after to clean the gas port of any .22 LR fowling.

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