Home AR-15 Bushmaster Carbon 15 ar 15 part 4

Bushmaster Carbon 15 ar 15 part 4


A review on the Bushmaster Carbon 15 and California’s Assault weapon law. I talk about the bullet button and 10/30 mags. Go to calguns.net if you want to educate yourself on the confusing California gun laws.

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  1. Hey Bro whats up. You know why they have those stupid laws. The government has them for when they come in to take all are guns so we have un superior weapons compared to them.. Hence the reason why with out going through the ATF you cant legally own a full automatic weapon. But I agree the laws are stupid. Although i Live in wa state so I dont have that problem yet.

  2. Next year California will pass the rainbows and unicorns act. If your gun cannot be loaded with niceness and sunshine, it will deemed evil and will have to be surrendered. Sux you don't live in America bro.

  3. The reason for the smaller mag law is because if you were to become a threat with this rifle you would spend less time shooting and more time reloading, plus carrying maybe 10×10 round mags providing you have a tactical vest w/ mag pouches only gives you 100 rounds at your disposal. But everything else shouldn't matter. Besides the only true differences are rate of fire, ammo sizes, and ammo types: armor piercing, hollow point, FMJ etc.

  4. I like your video but I disagree with your preposition that an ar15/m4/m16 gun is no more dangerous than others. It is a modern killer. Lol we should be able to own most any gun so that we could revolt if our rights are taken by the gov. That is the purpose or the 2amendment.

  5. I am planning on buying an AR15 Carbon 15, I have heard terrible things about it and don't know weather to go with the ORC or the carbon 15, im on a low budget and if i bought the ORC i couldnt buy any accesories for it for a while. Also is that the UTG rail cover if so what length?

  6. @tomwadek what do these guns come with a welded mag???? thats gonna make me not want one. why would they do that?????? IS THAT ONLY IN CALIFORNIA??? I LIVE IN FL AND WE HAVE GOOD LAWS

  7. Gotta stop you there on the round. The 5.56mm is a tumbling round, its breaks when it hits the human body to cause maximum damage. I promise you we dont expend numerous rounds to stop a threat. Those that need to make 4 or 5 shots to eliminate a threat just suck at shooting. And all these retarded rules are why im glad i live in a hick town.

  8. you ever think about building your own? you can go cheap if you build it otherwise DPMS and Del-Ton have some cheap models you can get for 700-800 retail they will usually come with cleaning kits and extra mags too. although i think most of the 20" or 24" you will find out there are slightly more expensive than carbines. usually because manufacturers will put weird shit on there like expensive stocks, free float hand guards, and stainless steel barrels ect ect…

  9. I'll move out of California if any of you out of state people can pay me how much I am making now. California does suck when it comes to gun laws. But what will suck even more is when I go to a free state with my family without a job.

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