What is the best scope for an AR-15, SCAR, or other defensive carbine? Rex tackled this question by addressing the various application of fire employed in modern semi-automatic fighting rifles. From varmint hunting, to home defense and WWZ – Rex covers the topic from a utilitarian angle! Enjoy!
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All the music in this video was created by TiborasaurusRex, an unsigned artist.
Song Title: Take Me Home, Transient as a Shadow, Particle Jam, She’s a Minefield
Music and Lyrics by: TiborasaurusRex
Instrumentation and Vocals by: TiborasaurusRex
Recorded by: TiborasaurusRex

Can't help but notice the sweet t-shirt. Loose the jacket, spin the shirt around so the word INFOWARS is on the front…..cause there's a war on for your mind!!! Enjoy your podcast, yourself, Lew and Kacie do a great job!
thanks Rex
My application…live in suburbanrural brush country. Shots over 100 yards rare so iron sights optimum, so red dot or iron sights for this rifle
I wanted to share one thing about eotech vs other options. The holographic technology allows it to maintain it's size through magnification. So if you put a 3x magnifier behind it it's still 1moa. Put a 3x magnifier behind any other dot including aimpoint and that 2 or 4 moa dot just became a 6 or 12 moa dot. The 2moa dot would take up a foot and a half at 300 yards compared to 3 inches on the magnified eotech. A 4 moa dot would be 3 feet. That is a huge difference that is never mentioned.
The paint on that AK with the Holosun on it, is baddass bro, its like every millimeter on that rifle got painted…
Canadian Level – 30000
What Type of free float tube is on that AR with the ACSS scope on top? The rail is OD green. I’ve never seen a tapered aluminum rail like that… great stuff!
My Aimpoint CompM5 died before I ever fired a round with it. Soon as it gets back from Aimpoint, I had to pay shipping btw, it's getting sold. Honestly I feel they are no longer worth the price.
I've used budget optics. Got a Leupold 2-7×33 Vx2 with the 1" IMS mount kit. Not expensive at all as a kit. Very good for 0-300. Excellent for a Ruger 10-22 or even a .308.
I also have a Leatherwood CMR1-4×24 762×39. Great .
I also bought a West German 3-9×36 Diavari C for about $600. Now that's excellent glass for it's age. A PK-AS is great for an AK. Classic Russian red dot(offset etched reticle) . I waited a year to find that.
Primary Arms has those 2.5x models.(ACSS)
You know I was really looking forward to this, but then you went off on how many prairie dos you’ve killed. Thing is I don’t get it they don’t hurt anybody so what is the joy of blowing up some poor little creature that’s just trying to survive.
Sort of a combination of Dan Akroyd and John Candy…with maybe a touch of Ted Nugent. Good stuff!
Here's what I really want. For an AR-15 I want a scope that is a 1-4x or 1-6x SFP. I want it to have an etched reticle of course with a nice BDC. ACSS would be great. The key is I wish it could weigh 10oz or less. Do you know of anything like this?
Thank you that was the exact video I was looking for. As always your videos are outstanding. Thanks again.
Great Vid, what are your thoughts on the Sig Sauer Romeo 5? I recently mounted one (scout style) to a Norico Sks-d. for within 100 yard hunting.
Primary Arms 1-6x or 1-8x is all you need!!! The ACSS reticle is the best by far!!!

Dreag raci, huh?
I like the primary arms prism scopes for close to mid range I think they make a good option for a general purpose ar 15 poor man's acog lol
What are your thoughts on the pa 3x prism sights are they as rugged as say the aim point or a trijicon where you rank it in a battle optic
You have the loudest and most annoying voice. Try and work on that in your videos by turning your mic down.
Hey Rex, I hope youll join several of the other big firearms youtubers over at full30, a mirror site in case youtube goes south with firearms vids.
We started to use Holosun during training exercises in USMC just before I left. I never broke one. Never had a chance to use one in combat. ACOG was what I used in combat…Great for medium range work but I hated it in CQB…I trust the Holosun on my PDW. Tough optics for the price point.
Rex – your the best.
Hey look it's deadpool
One of the best videos I've ever seen. Well done Rex!
I wasn't looking in the begining of the video and I swear to god I thought it was Seinfield, LOL
Great video; enjoyed it, Rex !
My last four optics have been Vortex Razors.
I like their ruggedness, price point, and warranty vs most others.
Always look forward to learning more about some of the little known exotic optics and firearms you bring to the table, Rex.
You must have been born with a gold spoon in your mouth !
You lucky dog !
Your boy needs to stop breathing so hard hahhhaa I thought it was me.
Cool. I did a Primary Arms 3x 300blk accs with gdi mount on my 16inch 300blk build, and I love it.
Good work!
What do you think about the Atibal MROC ? I have 4 different Atibal sights and have never had a problem with them. Many have compared the MROC to an ACOG .
Thanks Rex, much love bro!
Waiting for someone to review and compare the Pride Fowler Rapid Reticle FFP scopes in the price range of the Primary Arms ACSS scopes. I believe they have worked with US optics on some scopes.
Opinion on Sig Romeo 5 it's pretty cheap around 129-160