Home AR-15 Let's Set an AR-15 Pistol on Fire! – GLS VLOG #3

Let's Set an AR-15 Pistol on Fire! – GLS VLOG #3


Here’s a little teaser video showcasing the behind the scenes look at my time on the range with Tactical Armament. I’ll be releasing 3 big videos on this day. First, an overview of their AR-15 pistol. Second, a detailed look at their new trigger system. And third, a real life torture test on these bad boys. Stay tuned for those videos next week.

If you’re interested in picking one of these awesome pistols up, check out those videos coming soon… I might have a coupon code just for you guys.

As always, if you have questions, hit me up at greenlightshooting@gmail.com and don’t forget to check the blog at greenlightshooting.com.

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