Home AR-15 Will the US ban the AR 15?

Will the US ban the AR 15?


The AR15 and all other magazine fed semi auto rifles are becoming increasingly under attack, yet the 2nd amendment was written specifically for military style weapons. This video takes a look at what the 2020 candidates think of the AR 15.

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  1. Looks like the soros/Rothschild goons are at it again and will continue pushing their agenda! It’s by design they know if they ban our firearms they can control us. My grandfather died in 1980 he fought against the Mexican government during villa revolution a tyrannical government!

  2. God bless God, Family & Guns, I will not relinquish my GOD-GIVEN rights to the government, as my rights are NOT FOR SALE. There are no gun buyback programs that will be effective or enacted across the UNITED STATES EVER. MOLAN LABE.

  3. They say they want to eliminate only the AR15s type weapons, but they are used in less than 10% of 'mass shootings'. Why would they only want to eliminate the weapons form less than 10% of the shootings? I call BS. It is a stepping stone. First the sporting rifles, semi autos like the AR that 'scare' some people, then the semi auto double stack pistols that carry too many rounds, then all semi autos because the reload so quickly, then…until all you have left is a Wrist Rocket or old style sling shot. Get involved and vote. Don't think it can't happen.

  4. It seems to me that the government banned Alchole, weed, cocaine, heroin, prostitution, speeding, illeagle immigration, ect. And everyone ignores them. What makes you think that a band on anything in America will stand? If Americans want to do something that just do it.

    On a side note…..
    Tonight July 30 and tomorrow July 31, there will be 20 of the most retarded people in the country trying to out stupid each other. History will be made when the country realizes that Trump will win again in 2020.

  5. I am pro second amendment and I also believe that taking guns like the AR-15 is unconstitutional. One time I was debating a friend who leans anti-gun and he said that, if the government wanted to take over the American people, guns wouldn't work against them anyway because they have nuclear weapons and bombs, where the American civilians do not. Would the government be able to overpower us anyway?

  6. Every one of those candidates on that stage will not stop at the 2nd Amendment either. You know every single one of them will try to ban "hate speech" which means anything they don't agree with will be labeled 'Racist'. And without the 2nd Amendment, you will not have a 1st Amendment for long. Reactionary voters who make decisions based on emotions with no logic seem to eat up whatever the media narrative of the day is. Passion without Intelligence.

  7. I think they know thats gonna make a lot of new criminals the day after that were and have been law abiding gun owners. I wont give mine up. Hope everyone who built a 80% lower does not own a pistol. Register one gun and they know you have guns, when they come for you they will do it at 4am. The AR 15 is a the modern musket. Its only under attack like all things America and constitutional, by DEMOCRATS/ Socialist/ Communist. My AR is what goes against Drones, attack helicopters, tanks, F35s I dont think my semi auto AR is near equal to what I should have.

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