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This video has been featured on ABC World News with Diane Sawyer
Shooting w assault rifle AR15 Bushmaster .223 5.56mm at 100 yards. Colt, HK, Smith Wesson, and Bravo Company are some of the best known manufacturers of M4 AR15 in United States. You can attach as many accessories as needed and build one to your needs. most states will not let you hunt with this rifle since the caliber will not kill the prey humanly or quick enough.
I use mine at the range to hit targets over the weekends. This is a good rifle to keep at home for protection also. You can (in most states) keep 30 in the mag and one in the chamber giving you enough confidence in dangerous situations. Last thing you want to happen is run out of bullets when you need them for home, family, self protection. People need to know that not all gun owners have mental problems. So instead of solving the problem for good, trying to pass new laws will not help. There are already laws in place making it illegal for felons and mentally ill to buy weapons. They just need to make sure they do not sell weapons to mentally ill. Also there is a law that makes automatic weapons of any kind illegal. there is no need for new laws on this issue.
One needs to understand that each time there is mass shootings, the shooter obtained the weapon either illegally (by breaking the current laws) or (s)he has mental problems! Unless we get to the bottom of this problem, passing new laws will be ineffective! I see a lot of people coming here to bash 2nd Amendment and go on a rant about legal gun owners. Just respect each other a little bit and try to see the issue from other’s perspective. Yes there are risks in owning a firearm of any kind. But with proper training and keeping a healthy mind, incidents would be significantly reduced. Concealed carrying individuals mostly have great common sense and understanding of firearms. It is super rare that a concealed carrying person goes on a rampage.
So please respect others when commenting. I do believe in free speech so I barely moderate the comments. I strongly believe people should be able to tell what they think without any fear. When doing so you also need to respect or listen to what other’s say!
This video was featured in ABC World News with Diane Sawyer. They were doing a piece on gun culture and ended up using my video.
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If you really want a nice ar-15 buy a WAR-SPORT only about $3500.00 and the reason a 223 does so much damage the bullet travels about 3400 ft per second just being hit will put your body in shock at impact.
"assault rifle?"

Why the dislikes?
Anyone know how good the optic is on that gun?
More guns the better
that looks a lot like the range south of Tallahassee
To all of you nay Sayers of weapon ownership….parents who own weapons should ensure they are not available to children. It is their responsibility to police their own homes and children. Now, as for weapon control, when the crap hits the fan, go hide behind a dumpster while you crap your pants. Don't come to us gun loving enthusiasts, looking for protection. Get your big boy and girl panties on, and DEAL with it..
These comments are hilarious.
I hope people eventually understand that if a person was to go into a school knowing there are no firearms, he's not going to be killed. Going into a place with firearms attempting to shoot up the place… I think somebody would be a little less likely to do that from the beginning. Give teachers CCW classes and allow teachers to have one locked up in a safe in each room, as long as they pass certain psychological tests. There ya go.
LOL@ the anti-gun d-bags. Go find a Prius thread.
Illegal possession of firearms is the best
Just bought one at the new Cabellas store. Can't wait to take it out of the box.
i was looking at some of these comments here and i am shocked, in 1929 soviet union passed gun ban laws, as a result millions were rounded and exterminated. obviously when government gets involved in everyones rights to own guns, it doesnt work out so well.
@Spartacufle Are you serious or are you just a moron? Gosh! I thought you idiots went away to your pot smoking and animal rights rallies.
Spartacufle, Sandy Hook was a false flag operation by the government to further push for national gun control in the US. It's bullshit. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.. Banning guns won't make the violence go away but further perpetuate the issue at hand.
You make publicity for this kind of guns on youtube.
Guy, remember that before sending this kind of video :
"On December 14, 2012, 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot twenty children and six adult staff members in a mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School in the village of Sandy Hook in Newtown, Connecticut."
America doesn't need cowboys anymore…
If you live in Florida, the only regulation I seen was centerfire rifles which is the same as here in Missouri and a .223 is as legal as a .308.
What state or country do you need to use no smaller than a .308 to hunt? And how freakin big are the deer there? There is no way you need a .308 to kill most all things on this earth. What are you hunting?
What makes this rifle different than any other rifle? Because it looks cool? If we put wood hunting stock on it to make it look more humble, you'd approve? Or have you been watching some shitty news channel again about how bad ar's are or how assault weapons are so scary? lol.
Should we ban your religion if one man kills a school in the name of it?
Our governer cumo wants to bad them but I hope he gets revolted against and we put him in jail for taking our constitim rights it's stupid
OK, which liberal fuckbag linked bolted this video onto his pathetic article?
lmao this is the 3rd video where I read the comments. You guys are funny. Funny to the point of stupidity, Now I can go and on about stats where legal guns only commit less then 1% of the crime but you guys wouldn't care. This is one thing that should stand out in everyone's mind. Criminals don't care what gun laws are passed. Show me a pic of a gang banger in a gun shop. If 40 tons of weed come from underground tunnels from mexico to cali. Then why not 40 ton weapons?
That would require taking better care of the mentally ill, but all the anti universal healthcare folks don't seem to understand that link.
I disagree with the hunting statement because I hunt with an ar15 and it works just fine for deer and pig. Shot placement is key my friend. To each their own. I do get some odd looks hunting with my scary looking rifle, but it is what I have and what I practice with.
A very witty reply from you. How long did it take you to think of that?
fuck you
@eagles980 inevitably…INEVITABLY?! do you know how STUPID you sound? i bet you would absolutely love that wouldnt you? you would cream yourself if that actually happened wouldnt you? theres a reason why you HAVE TO TRAIN to get a CCW. btw, i love how you assume a cop is a trained pro, do you actually think their first priority is to protect you? yea, to protect and serve my ass. yet another idiot who would rather be a victim
Finland u are exactly right instead of banning guns do better background checks my dream is to be a gunsmith and collector I'm 18 love shooting firearms but its just an excuse for Obama to take away or guns like he tried last term
Katherine, switchblade knives are illegal. Their purchase and possession is limited to law enforcement, fire departments, military, and rescue personnel. Don’t you think semi-automatic, assault rifles pose a greater threat?
A very short part of your video was on abc7 new york news. The video was called "Gun enthusiasts decry new New York gun control law".
All I'm saying is killing his mom is illegal, so is killing a bunch of kids, so is bringing a gun into school. the law clearly didn't stop him, so ur telling me making guns illegal would stop him? None of the other laws worked, so why would gun control work. oh because he wouldn't have access to guns? nope, because obama is a dumbass and didn't include anything about the real problem: the mentally unstable having access to guns.
Because those guns cost a shit ton, and his mom didn't have them. the problem isn't the guns as the media likes to portray. The problem is the people who have access to the guns, basically we need to prevent the mentally unstable from having access to weapons.
Obama will lead America into an Islamic-Marxist tyranny if he is not stopped. He is an Indonesian citizen working in league with the Muslim Brotherhood. The biggest terrorist attack on U.S. soil was NOT 9/11, it was getting Obama into the White House. You Americans need to keep your rights. Do not let them take your guns! Do not lose the 2nd Amendment or you will lose the 1st.
obama's plan is to disarm america hes skum…..and still 2day has not released any info that states hes a american………..look at the promises hes made…….he promises not to take any semi auto's away and hes trying to now…….hes promised to not raise tax'es he has….and people that still support that skum is a bunch of dumbass people….
I just heard in a radio interview and expert say that Lanza used 5.56mm rounds with the 16" muzzle break and with him shooting in such a confined area without good hearing protection he would "lose balance and all cognitive ability due to percussive impact on the nervous system through the inner ear due to the over 165 decibels. But he worse ear plugs apparently. Just putting that out there. Keep those ears safe.