Home AR-15 How to Stay Out of Prison When Building a Rifle at Home

How to Stay Out of Prison When Building a Rifle at Home


I help you understand the laws that apply when you build your own rifle at home. Learn my three rules to stay out of prison when building a rifle at home!

The build list and Form 1 Guide mentioned in the video can be accessed at

CORRECTION: It is illegal to build a “non-sporting semi-automatic rifle or shotgun” from 10 or more imported parts (not 1 or more). Our apologies for this slip of the tongue while filming.

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  1. Did you hear what she said avoid these legal traps. IT SHOULD BE CALLED ILLEGAL TRAPS. so much for a free country these UNITED SNAKES OF AMERICA. MORE LAWS THAN ANY OTHER COUNTRY. LAND OF THE FREE MY A**

  2. This information is ABSOLUTELY WRONG about semi-auto rifles and shotguns…..HERE'S WHY. She says that building a semi auto or shotgun with one or more imported parts is illegal??!!?? THE LAW IS…..you cannot build a semi auto or shotgun with MORE THAN 10, THAT'S **TEN** imported parts. 11 get's you 10 yrs in Leavenworth!! 10 IS LEGAL. PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

    HOW DO I KNOW THIS…..because I can READ what's in 922r…..it's OBVIOUS, this DITZY BROAD didn't read it FOR SURE!!!! I've built a couple of AKM's and the number count of parts is 16, which means I HAVE TO HAVE 6 U.S. parts to be legal. And when they were still importing barrels, all you needed was count them, 1. trigger, 2. disconnector, 3. hammer, 4. gas piston, 5. muzzle device, and 6. the stamped receiver!!! In TOTAL, I've helped to build 37 diffgerent Russian Kalashnikov's, from AKM's to Krinks!!! And I know what I'm doing. NOTICE I SAID "HELPED TO BUILD", NOT BUILT….THAT IS WHAT KEEPS ME OUT OF A FEDERAL PRISON. It is perfectly legal to have someone help you or you can help someone else, so long as it is a 50/50 relationship. AND do yourself a huge favor, learn the damn difference between an AK47 and an AKM so you don't make yourself look like a fucking idiot!!! Just about 99% of those that say they have an AK47 DON'T, THEY REALLY HAVE AN **AKM** AND DON'T KNOW IT!!!!!

  3. So if I build a rifle and machine a lower may I gift that rile to a direct bloodline family member. Was thinking I would love to make my boys either a 300blkout or 6.5 cred. Figuring what a hand me down for them to one day say to their kids you grandfather made this for me now it's yours take care of it.

  4. They dont manufacturer gun parts in my state, in California they only make dildos with pistol grips on therm, which go against the law but because liberals like them they are ok

  5. What if you already own a firearm and it's legal in your state but a new law is passing that states your firearm will know be illegal or you are moving or have moved to a state that the firearm is prohibited, restricted, or is just illegal.

  6. to the government. and the states

    any law that violates the constitution is null and void so all the gun laws that passed goes against the constitution gun control goes against the constitution and the cops and the military and the people are to protect the constitution and the people are trying to protect the constitution but a lot of cops and the government and some States are not and you swore an oath to uphold the constitution of the united states of america and you are not upholding it A false oath is called perjury.” The requirement to agree under oath to uphold the Constitution is an unequivocal requirement to holding office. The oath of a new citizen is specific in the commitment to uphold the Constitution. The Constitution is the “supreme Law of the Land” for all citizens. All human beings are endowed with certain unalienable rights, and that governments are created to protect those rights. So what is a unalienable right it's a right that not to be transferred or taken away. So to me it's time to put more than a foot down but only one man can do so much but a nation can do a lot ………….. and if you do try to take my guns i will take your life

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