Home AR-15 Bushmaster AR-15

Bushmaster AR-15


The weapon in question here is as stated a Bushmaster XM-15 or more commonly known as the AR-15. Eugene Stonr developed this rifle for the United States Government after several complaints among soldiers in the field not being combat effective due to the cumbersum weight of the M14 rifle and the round that it fired. The heavy buy reliable 7.62 NATO cartridge was plenty enough to bring down the bad guys but was too much to carry enough rounds into battle, also the M14 was hardly controllable on fully automatic mode. Thus the M16 rifle was adopted by the US government in 1964 and was sent off with our troops into combat in Vietnam. Several years later the M16 remains the standard in wich our military uses. Through the years of service the M16 rifle has take on many different styles. The M4 carbine being one of them. The M4 Carbine has a 14.5 in barrel and operates in burst modes and fully automatic modes, also semi automatic modes.

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  1. @AdoreYouInAshXI

    Spend the extra $200-300 and get at Colt, Daniel Defense, LMT, or BCM. Trust me, later down the line you'll be glad you paid the extra price for the better quality. While Bushmaster is better than DPMS, they are all sub-par in true quality.

  2. @geeZ421 That's what I thought as Black Op's is based in the 60's while the Sig SG 550 (Commando) was released to military forces from 1986 onwards. The look of the weapon on Black Ops doesn't look like the weapon that you claimed it too be. Thanks for making a smart comment back! 😀

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