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Does PL-2 fits on the same holsters as tlr?
Big sale going on right nowntil the end of the month for the FdE colored pl-2’s
Can you use a pressure switch with the olight?
Dump the music..
Move your front sight back and mount the light on top…it will stay cleaner and the light becomes more ergonomic and ambidextrous
Oh and IPX6 is not rated to be submerged bro
Should you be pieing a corner with you weapon sticking out anyway?….No
Everyone saying not to use a tool on tlr1 has never operated outside their mom's basement. You definitely need to tighten tlr1 with a tool
The intro music was stupid loud and a major distraction during the video.
The ring on the TLR does actually serve a purpose. I do wish it wasn't chrome also though.
Everyone giving you shit about random nonsense in the comments. The review was highly useful for me. The olight is on sale right now for $60, always be on the lookout ar their website for deals like this! Peace.
You do NOT use a screwdriver on Streamlight. You are suppose to use a pair of synthetic gunsmith pliers or other pliers that will not mar the metal surface.
Olight PL-2 is having a 40% off flash sale Friday 4/13 7-9pm EDT, over $159 will receive a free H1 headlamp. Good time to grab one of this from https://goo.gl/5KzkH6
does the PL2 fit in the same holsters as Surefire X300 ultras?
Olight PL-2 is having a 40% off flash sale Friday 4/13 7-9pm EDT, over $159 will receive a free H1 headlamp. Good time to grab one of this from https://goo.gl/5KzkH6
Olight PL-2 is having a 40% off flash sale Friday 4/13 7-9pm EDT. Good time to grab one of these feom https://goo.gl/5KzkH6
The tlr1 hl which it appears you have there is 800 lumens. For what reason do you have a break suitable for a 338 mounted on a 5.56, reduces recoil? You have a 7lb upper there I would imagine felt recoil is next to 0. Train for tactical applications with a muzzle device that blows gas back at you and dirties your light? So you have to wipe your light every 10 rounds seems very tactical. Lastly Frankenstein build? You place a lower and upper togther, how the hell anyone would send you something to review is beyond me. Another couch warrior who read some shit online and is now a Seal.
Is it true youtube is killing all channels that have anything to do with guns after market parts etc?
What rail covers do you use?
The streamlight looks brighter… the olight is 1200lm and after a few seconds drops down to about 600
4:50 correction. Either paddle can do momentary or constant beam depending on how u press the button on the PL-2.
Thanks. I was wondering how it would work on an AR.
You shouldn't be using a tool to tighten your streamlight…. Good job there
Frankenstein AR and hand built isn’t the same. Good video otherwise. Cheers.
What rail covers are you using on the AR?
from what I understand streamlight does not recommend using a "tool" to tighten the light it only needs to be tightened finger tight due to the way the gun "latches" to the rail. I did have to use a "tool" to loosen it out of the box
Tell me how you really feel about that chrome ring
Own both, love both.
I’m not sure that you can go wrong with either of the lights however I do have the Olight PL-2 and have no complaints about it whatsoever. For me the brighter the better, brighter beam for surveying your property or brighter beam for blinding and disorienting an intruder in your home prior to you using your gun for it’s intended purpose.
Good review and comparison!