Home EOTech Review of my Eotech 552 Eolad w/ Laser Devices Laser on my...

Review of my Eotech 552 Eolad w/ Laser Devices Laser on my KAC Knight’s Armament SR-15 E3 AR-15 POV


Reviewing my Eotech 552 with Laser Devices laser, great combo.
Not economical, but effective.

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  1. Nothing better to give your location away in a SHTF moment then a Red laser visible by enemy, Other then that a big waste of $ that'd get you killed with multiple enemies…Looks cool/Tactical though😂

  2. Eotechs really aren't considered red dot sights they are more holographic sights. Do the laser and the eotech run off the same battery? That would suck because eotechs battery life is the most disappointing thing about it.

  3. If you're only buying one I'd say go with a high end maker as opposed to the operating system. Any Knight's, LMT, LWRC, JP Custom, etc are high end great guns. For resale purposes I would go with a piston, they retain value well right now. They also do run cleaner. If money is a big factor, save some dough and go with the DGI gun. Cheaper and have been around for a long time.

  4. @XtraGamerz I am completely indifferent to the operating system. DGI has been around for a long time and has been used in truly amazing rifles (like my KAC SR). That being said, I love the LWRC M6 series which are state of the art piston guns. If you're only buying one go with the

  5. @BrandoMcWilli Knight's gets the nod for top AR in my book, but I'm a bit biased. I like KAC, LWRC, LMT, Noveske, and JP Custom all alot. I'm not totally sold on piston driven rifles yet, but when I pick up the LWRC M6 I've had my eye on I'll be in a better position to decide. Good luck, any AR you've listed is a great choice. Noveske's are SWEET shooters though…

  6. @downriverfirepower Thanks for the reply. I have my eye on one of these. Also looking at Noveske and of course Daniel Defense. I have a Rock River now and it's a bit too heavy for my liking. So, looking to add a second AR to the collection.

  7. @downriverfirepower which setup??KAC ?or theLWRC buiild ?, well if i was gonna put an Elcan on anything it would be a M4A1 clone from the Crane/USSOCOM Block 2 upgrades., which would be a 14.5 inch Hbar with a DD RIS2 in Flat dark Earth. with a taupe KAC frontsight/ Matech rear buis. Im a big fan of what the military uses., They do ALOT of R@D over at Crane and i put alot of confidence behind there recommendations.i'll pm you some more info in a min. about what i think would be perfect 4 u ttyl

  8. @MultiSr16 I though about putting this on the SCAR and then adding the magnifier, but I fell in love with the ACOG. I want to get an LWRC and put an Elcan Spectre. Any thoughts on this set up, you seem really knowledgeable.

  9. @MultiSr16 Thanks for the offer, but I love my sopmod stock. Big fan of Magpuls as well, but I'm just so happy with the feel of this rifle, the only change I'm making is to replace the A2 grip with the Ergo's. Thanks for watching.

  10. hahah that INSANE, i never knew the tapeswitch mounted on the bottom like that., thats pretty cool., BTW., Ill TRADE you a Brand NEW Black Mil-Spec Magpul ACS stock for that old Sopmod Stock ?? The ACS would look freaking sick on there and futuristic as hell, theyre really great stocks as are all Magpul stocks., I just got 3 new ones but need a Sopmod stock for my M@P 22 build.., lemme know brother., ill pay for shipping?? I could throw in some other stuff to if you need me too spice the pot..

  11. cool., i just got the EXPS3 TAN for my block 2 m4a1 clone and i love it., also got the LDI i2 in FDE cause i couldnt find any peq15's for sale so i got the civilian PEQ-15A.., love this setup too, very compact/integrated., great choice.., kinda needs to be on the SCAR instead though ???SCARS love Eotechs

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